Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A new approach of tube bugling based on electromagnetic attractive force

29 Aug 2017, 09:15
G102-103 Room

G102-103 Room

Regular 15 minutes Oral Presentation E9 - Novel and Other Applications Tue-Mo-Or11


Mr Qi Xiong (Three Gorges University, China)


Small tube bulging by electromagnetic forming is a challenging issue because the coil must be placed inside of the pipe to generate repulsion electromagnetic force. To solve this problem, a novel method for forming pipe fittings by using electromagnetic attraction is proposed. To generate an electromagnetic attraction, a special current is used to drive the coil. This special current consists of a wide pulse current and a narrow pulse current. For the sake of verifying the feasibility of this method, a circuit-electromagnetic-structure coupling finite element model was built to analyze the deformation process, and an electromagnetic forming system with two sets of power supplies was designed and fabricated. Two capacitor bank power supplies (1MJ/25kV/3200μF & 75kJ/25kV/240μF) have been used to energize the coil which produces a pulsed magnetic field. A series of bulging experiments used of AA 1060 aluminum alloy tubes with a thickness of 1mm have been carried out on this system. The tubes were successfully deformed and the maximum deformation reached 5 mm.

Submitters Country China

Primary author

Mr Qi Xiong (Three Gorges University, China)


Presentation materials