27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A Study on Draw-ability of Nb Filaments for Manufacturing Nb3Sn Strand

28 Aug 2017, 13:15
1h 45m
Posters Area

Posters Area

Poster Presentation of 1h45m F1 - Low-Tc Wires and Cables Mon-Af-Po1.08


Mr Jiman Kim (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea)


For the improvement of the critical current density of a multifilamentary Nb3Sn strand, a high integrity of Nb filaments should be obtained by the optimal cold-drawing process for reducing the cross-section of the filaments. However, as the number of drawing cycles increases, the strain-hardening exponent of the Nb filaments also increases, which consequently hinders the area reduction, and even incurs the problem of breakage of the Nb3Sn wires. In this study, the hardness and microstructure of Nb filaments were analyzed to evaluate the strain-hardening exponent changes with respect to the number of the drawing cycles. In addition, the stress analysis using the finite element method was conducted to investigate the effect of the drawing stress on the drawability.
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Materials and Components Technology Development Program of KEIT [10053590, Development of MgB2 wire and coil with a high critical current and long length for superconducting medical•electric power equipment].

Submitters Country Republic of Korea


Mr Jiman Kim (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea) Prof. Haigun Lee (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea)


Mr Yoon Hyuck Choi (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea) Mr Young-Gyun Kim (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea) Mr Iksang Shin (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea) Mr Yun Subok (Kiswire Advanced Technology Co., Ltd., Daejeon, Korea)

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