The Magnet Section of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) upgraded in 2017 its Hall probe magnet measurement bench with an in-house developed 3D Hall sensor of a distinctive type and of a high accuracy, named Hallcube. The first major magnetic field measurements at the upgraded bench were performed on a split coil magnet with iron housing. This magnet is routinely used on the low energy muons...
The design and the characterization of high gradient permanent magnet (PM) quadrupoles, so-called”QUAPEVA” with variable strength are presented. The quadrupole structure is composed of a Halbach ring in the centre and four PM cylinders around. The central magnet provides a fixed gradient of 160 T/m. The four PM cylinders are used to achieve the gradient tuning range from 100 T/m to 200 T/m...
Four normal conducting 2.4 tesla “superbend” magnets will be installed in the phase-II beamline project at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility(SSRF), replacing the current 1.27 T ones. We present the design and the magnetic measurement results of the first prototype magnet in this paper. Also described is a newly-developed field shimming method which has shown its efficiency and simplicity...
At J-PARC Main Ring (MR), there have been various investigation carried out at the moment aiming at the beam operation of MW order. As one of the investigations, a study of the Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) magnets was implemented. Increase of the extraction energy of RCS was needed to reduce beam loss, as beam loss in the MR injection region was large under influence of the space charge...
For the simultaneous operation of several parallel free electron laser beam lines and/or accelerator test experiments it is mandatory to have a device capable of fast switching of electron bunches between the different beam lines with high accuracy. Such devices are the described pulsed dipole magnets. Two magnets allow for an 8 degree kick to a 1.6 GeV electron bunch. Time of increase of a...
The Beam Test Facility (BTF) is part of the DAΦNE accelerators system of INFN Frascati National Laboratory (LNF). It is a transfer-line optimized for selection, attenuation and manipulation of electrons and positrons extracted from the DAΦNE LINAC. An upgrade of the line is scheduled by the end of 2018 in order to reach a beam energy of 920 MeV (with respect to the actual 750 MeV) and a new...
At the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, a new experimental facility called the Transmutation Experimental Facility (TEF) is planned for the Accelerator-Driven System. The TEF facility will use the 400 MeV proton beam from the LINAC, which requires introducing a beam switching system at a Beam Transport from the LINAC to the 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS). A pulse bending magnet...
Quadrupole magnets are used extensively in particle accelerators, synchrotrons, and storage rings all over the world. Excellent field quality in these quadrupole magnets is needed at these facilities, which requires machining the magnet parts to high precision with conventional magnet designs. An eight-piece quadrupole design and assembly method are developed that produce the desired magnetic...
The High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) for Antiprotons is going to be built at FAIR in Darmstadt on the extended GSI campus. Charged particles (including protons and antiprotons) of 13 Tm magnetic rigidity will be injected into this synchrotron and storage ring. The injection system of the HESR ring is based on 4 UHV 360 mm long ferrite kickers, each kicker having to generate a 25 integral...
The LCLS-II at SLAC utilizes an arrangement of kickers and septa magnets to direct the electron beams from the normal and superconducting linacs to the soft and hard x-ray undulator beamlines. A consequence of the performance requirement for kicker pulse rates as high as 1 MHz. is the beam separation at the face of the septum is limited to 15mm. This imposes physical constraints on the...
The future heavy ion synchrotron SIS100 will have series of two dc magnetic septa for the injection and three dc septa on the extraction line. The extraction line will allow for two different extraction schemes for vertical fast extraction and initially horizontal slow extraction. The latter requires among other components two additional Lambertson-type septa. The design of the magnets had to...
The SIS-100 is a charge particle accelerator developed as a part of the challenging international project Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR) taking place in Darmstadt, Germany. The ion optics of the SIS-100 accelerator includes superconducting and normal conducting quadrupole magnets. To fulfill the requirements of the field quality in the magnet aperture it is necessary to find...
The CERN LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) seeks to reliably deliver the beams required for the High- Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). As part of this, the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) will be upgraded from 1.4 GeV to 2 GeV and will accelerate higher intensity beams. Along the transfer lines between the PSB and the Proton Synchrotron (PS) there are several D.C. operated quadrupoles which are unable to...
The Beam Test Facility (BTF) is part of the DAΦNE accelerators system, of INFN Frascati National Laboratory (LNF). It is a transfer-line optimized for selection, attenuation and manipulation of electrons and positrons extracted from the DAΦNE LINAC. An upgrade of the line is scheduled by the end of 2018 in order to reach a beam energy of 920 MeV (with respect to the actual 750 MeV) and a new...
The THOMX facility is a compact ring source based on Compton Back Scattering (CBS), under construction at LAL in Orsay (France). Due to high constraints as its compactness (18 meters long storage ring), the low electron energies (ranging from 50 to 70 MeV), the non-linear beam dynamics, the limited beam storage (60ns per turn), THOMX accelerator has to face many technical challenges. One of...
An all permanent High Field Superbend Dipole is proposed for the new Sirius optics can now provide hard X-rays in a critical energy of 19 keV. In the new design, the superbend has a much stronger magnetic field with a 3.2 T peak and it is composed of two low field parts designed with a transverse gradient on each side of the high field pole. The full magnet is joined into a single permanent...
The SwissFEL project at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) has entered its final phase with most of the magnets having been measured and installed. The beam dump dipole in the Injector-Linac 1 section of the SwissFEL facility serves not only to dump the electron beam but also acts as a spectrometer. Optimisation of the magnet pole profiles and pole ends, in order to achieve a good field region...