Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!


from Sunday 6 September 2015 (07:30) to Tuesday 8 September 2015 (20:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
6 Sept 2015
7 Sept 2015
8 Sept 2015
Registration - Secretary IFMP (until 09:00) ()
09:00 UKIM Rector Welcome / Prof. Miladinova, Vice-Dean / Prof Yves Lemoigne - Prof. Daniela Miladinova (Vice-Dean UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia)   ()
09:50 Medical Physics in Macedonia - Dr Sonja Petkovska (ACIBADEM | SISTINA Radiotherapy&Oncology)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Short Medical Imaging Review - Prof. Yves Lemoigne (IFMP & TERA Foundation)   ()
11:45 Interactions of Biomedical osciliations - Prof. Tomislav Stankovski (UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia)   ()
08:15 PET Principol & History - Dr Ivo Rausch (Medical University, Vienna, AUstria)   ()
09:15 Clinical Applicationof FDG PET/CT - Prof. Jean-Noel Talbot (Tenon Hospital, Paris, France)   ()
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
10:45 Clinical PET/CT with othertracers - J.N. talbot (Hôpital Tenon Paris, France)   ()
11:30 Research Example by Small Animal PET - Dr Yves Lemoigne (TERA Foundation (IT))   ()
09:00 General Risks in Radiation - Dr Mario Medvedec (Zagreb University, Croatia)   ()
09:40 Optimisation in Nuclear Medicine - Dr Mario Medvedec (Zagreb University, Croatia)   ()
10:20 Patient, Workers, Public Protection - Dr Mario Medvedec (University of Zagreb, Croatia)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:15 Shielding Requirements for PET/CT - Dr Julie Haglund (Fredrikstad, Norway)   ()
11:45 Transfer from HEP to MP - Dr Patrick Le Du (IPN Lyon, France)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch Break at Restaurant 1 ---
13:30 Nuclear Medicine:Diagnostic & Therapy - Prof. Manuel Bardies (Inserm, Toulouse, FR)   ()
14:15 Dose & Risks in Iodine 131 Treatment - Dr Marina Zdraveska-Kochovska (UKIM Skopje, Macedonia)   ()
15:00 CT: Computed Tomography - Dr Julie Haglund (Fredrikstad, Norway)   ()
15:45 --- Coffee Break ---
16:15 SPECT/CT: Instrument & Clinical Applications - Dr Daniela Miladinova (UKIM, Skopje)   ()
17:00 Dose Optimisation in MDCT - Dr Vesna Gershan (UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia)   ()
17:45 --- Departure to St Naum Monastery (Bus) & Visit of Site ---
19:00 --- Welcome Coktail in Ostrovo Restaurant near St Naum Monastery ---
12:30 Opportunities in Early Diagnosis & treatment - Dr Lydia zoglopitou (Varian Medical Systems)   ()
13:15 --- Lunch Break ---
14:15 PET Quality Control & Quantification - Dr Ivo Rausch (Medical University Vienna, Austria)   ()
15:00 PET in Norway / an Example - Dr Julia Haglund (Frederikstat)   ()
15:45 Imaging For R. Oncology (CT, PET-CT) - Dr Sonja Petkovska (ACIBADEM Sistina, Skopje, Macedonia)   ()
16:30 --- Coffee Break ---
17:00 PET-MRI: Principle, Advantage & Problems - Prof. Luc Bidaut (Dundee University, Dundee, Scotland)   ()
17:45 Ecologic Talk - Prof. Fokion Vosniakos (Thessaloniki University, Greece)   ()
19:30 --- BANQUET In OCC Restaurant ---
12:25 Developments in PET from HEP - Prof. Leandar Litov (Sofia University, Bulgaria)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
14:00 Hadrontherapy Principle - Dr Palma Rita Altieri (Bari University, Italy)   ()
14:40 Online Monitoring - Dr Palma Rita Altieri (Bari University, Italy)   ()
15:20 Particle Therapy, The Future... - Dr Patrick Le Du (IPN, Lyon, France)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Open Discussion and Conclusions - Dr Yves Lemoigne (TERA Foundation (IT))   ()
17:30 --- END of OHRID 2015 WORKSHOP ---
17:50 --- Departure or Visit to Ohrid City (Bus) ---
18:10 --- Visit of Ohrid: Harbour, Church St Kaneo & Monastery, Citadell.... ---