10–16 Jul 2016
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
XIIth Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Three-generation models from SO(32) heterotic string theory

13 Jul 2016, 09:30


Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Inflation and alternatives, Strings, Cosmology Parallel V


Hajime Otsuka


In this talk, we show the concrete embeddings of the standard model gauge groups into SO(32) gauge group in terms of the multiple U(1) fluxes. The correct matter contents of the standard model are then derived from the adjoint and vector representations of SO(12) given by the subgroup of SO(32).
Since the number of generations corresponds to the number of U(1) fluxes, we search for the desired matter contents of the standard model satisfying the $U(1)_Y$ massless conditions as well as the SUSY conditions. Our models satisfy the typical theoretical constraints which are required from the consistency of heterotic string theory.
Finally, we discuss quark masses and mixing angles in $SU(3)_f$ and $\Delta (27)$ models.


We search for realistic supersymmetric standard-like models from SO(32) heterotic string theory on factorizable tori with multiple magnetic fluxes. Three chiral ganerations of quarks and leptons are derived from the adjoint and vector representations of SO(12) gauge groups embedded in SO(32) adjoint representation. Massless spectra of our models also include Higgs fields, which have desired Yukawa couplings to quarks and leptons at the tree-level.
In models with the flavor symmetries $SU(3)_f$ and $\Delta(27)$, we can realize the realistic quark masses and mixing angles.



Prof. Hiroyuki Abe (Waseda University) Mr Takuya Tatsuishi (Hokkaido University) Prof. Tatsuo Kobayashi (Hokkaido University) Mr Yasufumi Takano (Hokkaido University)

Presentation materials