Giulio Pellegrini
(Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC) (ES))
04/12/2015, 09:00
Standard (20 min including discussion)
I will present the last fabrication run ongoing at CNM-IMB on 3D detectors activities for the LHC upgrade and the status of the RD50 project related to 3D.
Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona)
04/12/2015, 09:20
Standard (20 min including discussion)
A new generation of radiation-hard 3D detectors optimised for the HL-LHC with small pitches of 25 and 50 um (implying inter-electrode spacings of only about 35 µm) is under development. Until these new productions are available, radiation hardness studies of existing pixel devices from the IBL/AFP generation with about 70 µm inter-electrode spacing are on-going. This presentation will give an...
Ivan Lopez Paz
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
04/12/2015, 09:40
Standard (20 min including discussion)
3D FEI4 pixel detectors from the IBL production were non-uniformly irradiated at CERN-PS with 23 GeV protons up to a maximum fluence of 9e15 neq/cm2. The devices have been studied in beam tests at CERN SPS and good efficiencies of >97% have been achieved at the highest fluence already at 170 V. Especially interesting is the option to study a vast range of fluences on a single pixel device due...
Michal Kwestarz
(Topsil Semiconductor Materials SA, 133 Wolczynska St., 01-919 Warszawa, Poland)
04/12/2015, 10:00
Standard (20 min including discussion)
We present the properties of the first high-resistivity, nitrogen enriched FZ Si wafers produced within the framework of the NitroSil project. The n-type wafers of 100 mm in diameter were prepared from the high-purity FZ Si crystals grown in <100> direction. The nitrogen doping was performed during the crystals growth and the doping with phosphorus was made by the neutron transmutation process...
Tobias Wittig
(CIS Institut fuer Mikrosensorik GmbH (DE))
04/12/2015, 10:20
Standard (20 min including discussion)
The CiS research institute is engaged in developments of radiation detector technologies on several different fields. Current projects are dealing e.g. with large area thinned sensors, active edge sensors, sensor-chip packaging technologies and defect engineering.
For large area sensors, the need for smaller thicknesses can be approached by etching cavities to the sensors back side while...
Natascha Savic
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
04/12/2015, 11:10
Standard (20 min including discussion)
New productions of thin n-in-p pixel sensors designed at MPP will be presented.
Sensors in the thickness range between 50 and 150 um have been produced at ADVACAM
on SOI wafers with slim or active edges. Evaluation assemblies have been measured by means of radioactive source scans and beam tests.
The performance after irradiation in terms of hit efficiency of different pixel cell designs...
Lenny Spiegel
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
04/12/2015, 11:30
Standard (20 min including discussion)
The US CMS Outer Tracker group received a first set of wafers from Tezzaron/Novati, which had been fabricated as part of an innovation grant from the US Department of Energy. A preliminary characterization has been carried out by three US institutes and aside from an anomaly with the guard ring structure the results are promising. The wafers contain a number of test structures, some of which...
Stephan Wiederkehr
(Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
04/12/2015, 11:50
The PSI chip design team has submitted the ROC4SENS, an analogue pixel chip in $0.25\,\mu$m technology which is dedicated for sensor studies. It has a size of $7.8\times 9.8\,$mm$^2$ covered by $155\times 160$ pixels with a pitch of $50\times 50\,\mu$m$^2$.
The pixel cell does not contain a discriminator and therefore does not apply a threshold on the signal. However this means the data...
Andreas Gisen
(Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
04/12/2015, 12:10
Standard (20 min including discussion)
The innermost tracking detector of the ATLAS experiment consists of planar n-in-n pixel sensors. Also the newly installed insertable b-layer (IBL) consists of pixel sensors but with a revised design layout and an improved front-end electronics. The envisaged radiation dose in the run II data taking period of the innermost sensors will be a few $10^{15} \text{n}_{\text{eq}}\text{cm}^{-2}$....
Vagelis Gkougkousis
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
04/12/2015, 12:30
Standard (20 min including discussion)
In the context of the latest CNM LGAD production run, SiMS measurements and simulations are presented for the and nntypr implants. An additional study on irradiated p-implanted doping profiles is performed with fuences of 10^15neq/cm^2
Gianluigi Casse
(University of Liverpool (GB)),
Giulio Pellegrini
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
04/12/2015, 12:50