Rare B Decays: Theory and Experiment 2016
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Rare B Decays: Theory and Experiment 2016
This workshop aims to bring together the people who are active in rare B decays from the theoretical as well as experimental side. Particular focus is given on the exclusive decays B->K(*)ll, Bs->phi ll and Bs->phi gamma, and the "b->s anomalies". The goal of this workshop is to discuss the implications of the 3fb^-1 data from LHCb (as well as Belle, Atlas and CMS), to resolve current conflicts and to envisage future directions and prospects.
The deadline for registration is February 11th 2015.
Organization pannel: Joaquim Matias, Nicola Serra, Javier Virto
This Workshop is funded by:
Explora Program -- Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad
Universität Zürich
Severo Ochoa Program