15–20 May 2016
EXCO in Daegu, Republic of Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Geometric alignment of the SND detector

17 May 2016, 09:20
EXCO in Daegu, Republic of Korea

EXCO in Daegu, Republic of Korea


Natalya Melnikova (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))


We present the design, implementation and validation of the software procedure used to perform geometric calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter with respect to the tracking system of the Spherical Neutral Detector (BINP, Novosibirsk). This procedure is based on the mathematical model describing the relative calorimeter position by means of a set of parameters. The parameter values are determined by minimizing a $ \chi^2 $ function using the difference between directions reconstructed in these two subdetectors for $ e^+e^-->e^+e^- $ data events.


Natalya Melnikova (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))

Presentation materials