Local Talks
- Marc (KIT) Weber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Martin Wegener
26/09/2016, 16:30
Within the last decade, the idea of invisibility cloaking has turned from Science Fiction to scientific reality. Here, we review the underlying principle based on coordinate transformations and demonstrate application in terms of making metallic contacts on solar cells, detectors, and light-emitting diodes invisible.
Jens Stadlmann
26/09/2016, 17:50
The FAIR Project at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt (GSI) will offer unique research capabilities with heavy ion and antiproton beams. The ambitious goals of the scientific communities require to extend the capabilities of the present accelerators at GSI which will be the injectors of the future facility and push the future accelerators to the technical limits. We...