A workshop for theorists and LHC experimentalists to discuss hints for new physics at the LHC and their interpretations as well as combinations of searches in different final states. Many searches for new physics have been done with the Run 1 data at the LHC, and some have been updated with early data from Run 2. Recent searches cover a large range of phase space and a few of them show possible hints for bumps and deviations from the SM background expectations. We will discuss these searches as well as the implications of the hints and limits. Efforts are starting on ATLAS and CMS to combine searches in different final states to obtain tighter limits on NP model parameters. We will discuss prospects for such combinations and different approaches.
Dinner on Monday will be at Chateau Orleans on Cass Ave, see here for details and dinner payment options.
Thank you for a successful workshop! The second workshop will be in September 2016.