Non-identical correlations and squeezed states
- Boris Tomasik (Univerzita Mateja Bela)
Adam Kisiel
15/10/2009, 14:00
Strong Interaction and Coulomb-induced Correlations
Non-identical particle femtoscopy probes not only the size of the
emitting system, but also the emission asymmetries between particles
of different mass, which are intimately related with the collective
behavior of matter. We apply the technique to the simulations from the
THERMINATOR+Lhyquid model of the heavy-ion collisions at
RHIC. We present predictions for all common pair...
Marcin Zawisza
(Warsaw University of Technology)
15/10/2009, 14:30
Strong Interaction and Coulomb-induced Correlations
Correlations between non-identical particles at small relative
velocity probe asymmetries in the average space-time emission points at
freezeout. Such asymmetries may arise from long-lived resonances, bulk
collective effects, or differences in the freezeout scenario for the
different particle species. STAR has extracted pion-proton correlation
functions from a high-statistics dataset of...
Ludmila Malinina
15/10/2009, 15:00
Strong Interaction and Coulomb-induced Correlations
The analysis of the preliminary RHIC data on $\pi^{+}-\Xi^{-}$ correlation function
is carried out. The $\Xi^*(1530)$ resonance is reasonably described.
The value of the fireball radius has been estimated and the sensitivity to
the $\pi^{+}-\Xi^{-}$
$S$-wave scattering lengths has been tested.
Hanna Zbroszczyk
(Warsaw Univesroty Of Technology)
15/10/2009, 15:30
Strong Interaction and Coulomb-induced Correlations
The analysis of two-particle correlations provides a powerful tool to study the properties of hot and dense matter created in heavy-ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies. Applied to identical and non-identical hadron pairs, it makes the study of space-time evolution of the source in femtoscopic scale possible. Baryon femtoscopy allows extraction of the radii of produced sources which...
Sandra Padula
(Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT)-Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil)
15/10/2009, 16:20
Squeezed States and Particle-Antiparticle Back-to-Back Correlation
Squeezed correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs are predicted to appear in case the masses of those particles are modified in the hot and dense medium formed in high energy heavy ion collisions. If discovered experimentally, they would be an unequivocal evidence of such modification by means of hadronic probes. Previous studies have shown that, for a uniformly distributed,...
Marton Nagy
15/10/2009, 16:50
Squeezed States and Particle-Antiparticle Back-to-Back Correlation
for the PHENIX Collaboration
The collision of energetic nuclei forms a hot and dense partonic matter.
Determining the nature of the phase transition associated with the
production of the observed hadrons is an important task. Experimental
data on direction-dependent correlation length (HBT radii) studies seem
to exclude the possibility of a strong first order phase transition...
Kacper Zalewski
(Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University)
15/10/2009, 17:20
Beyond Gaussians: Extracting Detailed Size and Shape Information
Two problems important for the HBT method are discussed. The
relation of the measured momentum distributions
to theWigner function of the final hadrons and the relation of this
Wigner function to the emission function. It is found that for the
profile of each homogeneity region all the even cumulants and no odd
cumulant can be unambiguously measured. Moreover,
if the centers of all...