21–25 Sept 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone

ATLAS Spanish Tier2 experiences during the STEP09 period

22 Sept 2009, 14:30
Barcelona B (Hotel Barcelo Sants)

Barcelona B

Hotel Barcelo Sants



sgonzale@ific.uv.es Gonzalez de la Hoz (IFIC-Valencia)


The goal is to cover the major Tier-2 activities: montecarlo production, data distribution and the hammercloud user analysis challenge during the recent STEP09 exercise from a site point of view (in this case the ATLAS Spanish Tier2). And our interaction with our Tier1.

On the other hand our Tier2 is federated and the resources are distributed among Barcelona (25%), Madrid (25%) and Valencia (50%).

Presentation materials