27 January 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone


Parallel break-out sessions

27 Jan 2017, 14:15


Parallel break-out sessions: Workshop 1 - How to make a net-work?

  • Laura Comendador Frutos (ESO)

Parallel break-out sessions: Workshop 2 - Promoting Gender Equality Plans in international consortia

  • Enikő Patkós (ESO)

Parallel break-out sessions: Workshop 3 - What do early career scientists expect from Gender Equality policies?

  • Sabine Kradolfer (NCCR LIVES, University of Lausanne)

Parallel break-out sessions: Workshop 4 - Gender Equality initiatives towards general public; changing the image of physics

  • Tomas Brage (University of Lund)

Parallel break-out sessions: Reporting on Workshops

  • There are no conveners in this block

Parallel break-out sessions: Workshop venue might be 5 minutes walk from the Globe

  • There are no conveners in this block

Presentation materials

Dr Sabine Kradolfer
27/01/2017, 14:20
Introduction to workshop discussion
Lidia Arroyo Prieto (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
27/01/2017, 14:20
Introduction to workshop discussion
Emma Sanders (CERN)
27/01/2017, 14:20
Introduction to workshop discussion
Silvia Borghi (University of Manchester (GB))
27/01/2017, 14:20
Introduction to workshop discussion
Mrs Christina Wenninger-Mrozek (EuroFusion)
27/01/2017, 14:30
Introduction to workshop discussion
Prof. Michela Petrini (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
27/01/2017, 14:30
Introduction to workshop discussion
Ms Kristin Kaltenhauser
27/01/2017, 14:30
Introduction to workshop discussion
Dr Francesca Primas (Full Astronomer - ESO)
27/01/2017, 14:30
Introduction to workshop discussion
Genevieve Guinot (CERN)
27/01/2017, 14:40
Introduction to workshop discussion
Building timetable...