14–15 Oct 2016
Sofia, Crystal Palace Boutique Hotel
Europe/Sofia timezone

Scientific Programme

Annual meeting of the MC coupled with a WG meeting.

MC meeting in the afternoon of the first day (14:00-18:00):

Presentation of the action to new members, WP orientations, discussion on deliverables and milestones, dissemination strategy (e.g., conferences/workshops to be organised for the next year), first presentation of the action website and tools for document storage.

WG meeting, second day full day:

Taking into account the interconnections of the objectives of the WG and the relatively small size of the action, parallel sessions will be avoided. Each WG will have 1.5 hours for its session. For this first meeting of the WGs, a list of members will be established, non-well covered activities will be defined and actions to better cover them will have to be proposed. A discussion on how to fulfill all associated GP goals has to take place.