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PAP-PAPU summer meeting

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Cultural Centre Sofia, Kallvikinniementie 35, 00980 Helsinki
Katri Huitu (Helsinki University), Katri Huitu (University of Helsinki), Katri Huitu (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)), Tapio Lampen (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))

Kallvikinniementie 35, Helsinki

    • 09:15 09:35
      Breakfast 20m
    • 09:35 09:50
      PAP-PAPU News / Katri Huitu 15m
      Speakers: Katri Huitu (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)), Katri Huitu (University of Helsinki), Katri Huitu (Helsinki University)
    • 09:50 10:20
      Physics Department News / Hannu Koskinen 30m
    • 10:20 10:28
      Pauli Pihajoki: Polarized radiative transfer near compact objects (CANCELED) 8m
    • 10:28 10:36
      Miklos Långvik: Conformal symmetry in LQG 8m
    • 10:36 10:44
      Matti Heikinheimo: Dark matter phenomenology 8m
      Speakers: Matti Heikinheimo (University of Jyväskylä), Matti Heikinheimo (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
    • 10:44 10:52
      Francesco Montanari: Model independent cosmological constraints 8m
      Speaker: Francesco Montanari
    • 10:52 11:00
      Johannes Markkanen: Simulation of light scattering and emission by cosmic dust 8m
    • 11:00 11:08
      Elisabetta Micelotta: From supernovae to dust: connecting the high- and low-energy... 8m
    • 11:08 11:16
      Ioan Ghisoiu: The Equation of State of cold quark matter 8m
    • 11:30 12:15
      Lunch 45m
    • 12:15 12:23
      Charles Kirkpatrick: Extragalactic Observational Astronomy & Cosmology 8m
    • 12:23 12:31
      Venus Keus: CPV in BSM 8m
      Speaker: Venus Keus (University of Helsinki)
    • 12:31 12:39
      Jussi Väliviita: Baryon acoustic oscillations in cosmology and astrophysics 8m
      Speaker: Jussi Valiviita (University of Portsmouth)
    • 12:39 12:47
      Niko Jokela: Applications in holography 8m
    • 12:47 12:55
      Erik Brücken: GEM Foil QA for the ALICE TPC Upgrade 8m
      Speaker: Jens Erik Brucken (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
    • 12:55 13:03
      Jyri Lehtinen: Observing stellar activity 8m
    • 13:03 13:11
      Till Sawala: The Milky Way's Dark Matter Substructures 8m
    • 13:11 13:26
      PAPU Monitoring Groups / Tapio Lampén for Mikko Voutilainen 15m
      Speaker: Tapio Lampen (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
    • 13:26 13:41
      News from the Association of Doctoral Students / Jarkko Järvelä 15m
    • 13:45 15:15
      Walk in the Nature 1h 30m

      Walking tour following ready-made paths in Nature. Please take suitable clothes.

    • 15:15 16:00
      Coffee 45m