Mar 6 – 9, 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

With the parallel progress in pattern recognition algorithms and microelectronic technology, the design and performance of tracking detector is rooted in the solid interplay of hardware and software : sensors, readout and trigger electronics, online and offline reconstruction software. The main focus of the workshop is on pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms devoted to the reconstruction of particle tracks or jets in high energy physics experiments, and the hardware developments that enable them.

This 2017 edition is a merger of the Connecting The Dot series (see CTD2015 Berkeley, CTD2016 Vienna ) with the Workshop on Intelligent Tracker series (see WIT2010 Berkeley, WIT2012 PisaWIT2014 Penn).

The workshop is plenary sessions only,  with a mix of invited talks and accepted contributions.

A 2D tracking hackathon was organized Tuesday afternoon.

Twitting about this workshop is welcome using #ctdwit .The workshop has taken place in Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire at Orsay, close to Paris, France. Please check main portal web page for accommodation, directions, social events and full registration.

Inquiries to :

Proceedings (on a voluntary basis) have been  peer-reviewed and published online : EPJ Web of Scienceinspirehep.

The 2018 edition will take place 20-22 March 2017 at U Washington, Seattle, USA.

Application for this event is currently open.