GridPix detectors combine the advantages of a high granularity readout based
on a pixel ASIC with a Micromegas gas amplification stage. By producing the
Micromegas with photolithographic postprocessing techniques directly on the
ASIC a very good alignment of grid holes with readout pixels can be
reached. Thus, the charge avalanche started by a single primary electron can be
collected and digitized by a single pixel giving excellent spatial resolution.
Also, the energy resolution improves because of the primary electron counting
instead of charge summation.
After demonstrating the potential of the GridPix detector in several
environments a new ASIC, Timepix3, has been designed and produced. It
overcomes its predecessors limitations. Most notably it allows for multihit
readout and for simultaneous charge and time measurement of each pixel.
While preparing for the new generation of GridPix detectors, also the design
and the production techniques of the grid were revised and improved.
A first detector was built with the new Timepix3-based GridPix. It was tested
with different kinds of ionization sources among which are radioactive sources
and a laser setup. These first measurements underline the improvements of the
system and will be presented in the conference. As a possible application a
design for a TPC endplate covered with GridPixes for an ILC experiment will
be discussed.