20–26 Aug 2017
Károly Róbert Campus, Eszterházy Károly University Gyöngyös, Hungary
CET timezone
October 16, 2018: BGL 2017 proceedings is published in the MDPI Journal Universe. See our News for details!

Practical Information (Payment, Hotels, Weather etc)

PAYMENT information:

last updated on June 29, 2017

You will have to pay your due

  • registration fee, your optional
  • post-conference excursion fee to Eger, as well as your
  • conference hotel expenses,if you have reserved your hotel with us (ie. if you stay in Károly Róbert Hostel).

The registration fee covers a welcome reception with wine, the conference excursion, wine tasting with cultural programme  and a conference dinner as well as the costs of running the meeting, and it includes the (within EU, redeemable) 27 % VAT prescribed by tax laws in Hungary. 

  • The early registration fee is 280 EUR, if received before the extended deadline of July 14, 2017.
  • After July 14, 2017 the late registration fee of 320 EUR applies.
  • Hotel costs are estimated to be 25 EUR/night/single (or 20 EUR/night/person/double) provided that you reserve housing with us in the Károly Róbert Hostel. This price includes VAT and local taxes.
  • The post-conference excursion to Eger is organized if more than 10 participants sign up for it. The cost  will be 40 EUR including transportation, sightseeing, lunch with wine tasting as well as appropriate taxes.
  • We recommend to pay your registration fee + housing expenses by bank transfer before July 14, 2017, to keep your total participation costs as low as reasonably achievable.
  • A limited amount of support may be available by personal request to reduce the
    conference fee for students and participants in need, keeping in mind in particular participants from Eastern Europe.

You can also pay by cash (HUF or EUR) upon arrival at the registration desk, or, pay by credit card without any extra surcharge from the conference, also at the BGL 2017 Registration Desk. In case of technical difficulties, there is an  ATM's available within 2 min walk from the Registration Desk at the Karoly Robert Campus of EKU or within 15 min walk at several banks in the city of Gyöngyös.  

If you pay by bank transfer:  Please indicate the conference name "BGL 2017" and the last name of the participant(s) / your name/ as a comment in the wire transfer. This is a request from the Wigner administrators to identify the participants and the conference more efficiently. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Recently, Hungary joined the Single Euro Payment Zone (SEPA). Due to this reason we have to use two different SWIFT codes for bank transfers: one for transfers from SEPA, another one for transfers from non-SEPA countries. Please kindly pay attention to this and use the approporiate SWIFT code, depending on the country of origin of your wire transfer.

Account holder:

Wigner Research Centre for Physics

Address: 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
Bank name: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)
Bank address: 1027 Budapest, Csalogány u. 9-11.
Account number: 10032000-01731134-00000000
IBAN: HU15 1003 2000 0173 1134 0000 0000

SWIFT code 1

(SEPA transfer):

Correspondent bank
(non SEPA transfer):
Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank)

SWIFT code 2

(non-SEPA trasnfer):

Reference/comment: BGL 2017 "Last name of the participant"

All bank charges must be covered by the sender. Receipt/invoices will be provided at the conference venue. If your  invoice is to be issued to a different institution and address of your affiliation, please indicate this as an option/comment on your registration form.

Cancellation policy:

In case you need to cancel your participation, Wigner policy is to refund the registration fee minus an administration charge. For cancellation of an already made registration, please contact the Local Organizers of the Workshop. Refund will be processed after the workshop.

The hotel reservations, made through the conference organizers, can be cancelled before your arrival date, free of charge. In case of no-show for an already payed, and not cancelled hotel reservation, we will refund your hotel expenses minus the charge for the first reserved night.

General Information

Hotels nearby the conference site

Particular Information




The current official rates at the Hungarian National Bank are on the web. You can exchange money at the railway stations and/or in banks, and there are numerous ATMs, where you can access your money with a credit/debit card. There is one ATM, for example, at Károly Róbert College, near to the restaurant where we will have lunches.