BGL 17: 10th Bolyai-Gauss-Lobachevsky Conference on Non-Euclidean Geometry and its Applications
Lecture Hall 5, Main (A) Building
Károly Róbert Campus, Eszterházy Károly University Gyöngyös, Hungary
The 10th Bolyai-Gauss-Lobachevsky conference will take place at the Károly Róbert Campus of the Eszterházy Károly University, Gyöngyös, Hungary, August 21-26, 2017.
This meeting follows the earlier ones held at Uzhgorod, Ukraine, (1997), Nyíregyháza, Hungary (1999), Targu Mures, Romania (2002), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (2004), Minsk, Belarus (2006), Debrecen, Hungary (2008), Cluj Napoca, Romania (2010), Uzhgorod, Ukraine (2012) and Minsk, Belarus (2015).
Traditionally, the topics of the Bolyai Gaus Lobachevsky conference series covers the following three main areas:
- Matematics: Non-Euclidean geometry and other topics related to Bolyai, Gauss and Lobachevsky (BGL)
- Physics: Modern physics and the heritage of BGL
- History of science: Recent results and the heritage of BGL
- Science outreach
In 2017, we invite submissions of talks within the above main areas in general, and related to the following topics in particular:
- Applications of non-Euclidean geometry in physics
- Applications of non-Euclidean geometry in informatics and other fields of science
- Biographies, bibliography, and personal relations of BGL
- Diffraction at LHC, and optical methods in accelerator physics
- Non-Gaussian Femtoscopy in high energy physics
- New solutions of fireball hydrodynamics including Navier-Stokes
- Gravitational waves and curved space-time
- History of science, related to BGL
- Metric theory, integrals in the Lobachevsky space
- Recent results on absolute geometry in mathematics
- Riemannian geometry, generalisations of the hyperbolic space
- Science outreach - methods to spread and to popularize science
- Other important new developments (open to suggestions).
The 10th, anniversary Bolyai-Gauss-Lobachevsky conference is dedicated to the memory of
- Prof. I. Lovas (1931-2014),
member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (Paris). Professor Lovas was born in the Gyöngyös region and was one of the founder of this conference series.
Last updated on June 16, 2017 by T. Cs.