Proceedings information updated on October 16, 2018.
The proceedings of the BGL 2017 conference has been
- Published in an open access, free-of-charge, online only journal entitled Universe (MDPI, ISSN 2218-1997):
- The BGL 2017 published proceedings volume is available at
- We see that some valuable conference talk materials were not yet written up, so we recommend to follow the normal rules of the Universe and submit your write-up as a regular article to the same journal. We did not close the proceedings due to this reason.
- In case of an overdue submission to Universe, please refer to the BGL 17 proceedings volume, and to the talk where the material of your contribution was presented.
- The sample tex files of the BGL 2017 contributions can be downloaded from here:
- Submission to Universe can be done here:
- Please kindly upload your contribution also to !
- There is no page limitation, complete research works are suggested.
The sample tex files of the BGL 2017 contributions are downloadable also here, and also a Word template, in case someone would want to prepare the proceedings in Word:
In case of any questions, please contact the Organizers of BGL 2017.