Jul 9 – 13, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

CHEP 2018 Call for Abstracts

Selection of talks and posters will be made on the basis of submitted abstracts. Parallel talks and posters will be organised in 8 tracks, as indicated in the table below. Track conveners and the Program Committee will decide which contributions will become oral presentations, and which ones posters. Exceptional contributions will be proposed to become plenary talks by the Program Committee.

Submitters of abstracts are required to select the appropriate track; an abstract can be submitted to one track only. The abstract must be a plain text, not more than half a page in length, or 1350 characters.

Submitters are also asked to make sure that their mail addresses and those of the proposed presenters are their primary mail addresses in the CERN phonebook or, in the absence of such, their professional e-mail address.

If you have difficulty selecting a track from the list, please send email to chep2018-pc@cern.ch explaining the problem.

Abstract submission opens on November 15, 2017 and closes on January 15, 2018 at 23:59 Central European Time.

Acceptance notification will be sent to the submitters no later than March 15, 2018.

All accepted talks and posters will be allocated space in the peer-reviewed proceedings of CHEP 2018. The paper submission and review will be scheduled after the conference.

List of Tracks and Associated Keywords

Track Keywords
Track 1 - Online computing DAQ; HLT; trigger and trigger-less acquisition; data calibration; online reconstruction; filtering and compression; event building; configuration and access controls; detector control systems.
Track 2 – Offline computing Event generation; simulation and reconstruction; detector geometries; data classification; visualization and data presentation, outreach.
Track 3 – Distributed computing Computing models; Grid middleware; monitoring and accounting frameworks; security models and tools; distributed workload; HPC and supercomputers.
Track 4 – Data Handling Storage management frameworks; data access protocols; object, metadata and event store systems; databases.
Track 5 – Software development Software frameworks; software management, building, testing, quality assurance and distribution; programming techniques and tools.
Track 6 – Machine learning and physics analysis Algorithms for physics object identification; machine learning systems and tools; data and analysis preservation.
Track 7 – Clouds, virtualization and containers Cloud, virtual machines and container technologies; anything-as-a-service; private and commercial clouds.
Track 8 – Networks and facilities LAN and WAN; overlay, private and virtual networks; monitoring and management tools; computing centre infrastructure, management and monitoring.
The call for abstracts is closed.