12:30 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
T1 - Online computing
Catrin Bernius
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
(until 4:00 PM)
(Hall 3.1)
2:00 PM
The design and performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector trigger in high pileup collisions at 13 TeV at the Large Hardon Collider
Julie Hart Kirk
(STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
(Hall 3.1)
2:15 PM
Kalman Filter track reconstruction on FPGAs for acceleration of the High Level Trigger of the CMS experiment at the HL-LHC
Sioni Paris Summers
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
(Hall 3.1)
2:30 PM
Fast Kalman Filtering: new approaches for the LHCb upgrade
Placido Fernandez Declara
(University Carlos III (ES))
(Hall 3.1)
2:45 PM
Fast Boosted Decision Tree inference on FPGAs for triggering at the LHC
Sioni Paris Summers
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
(Hall 3.1)
3:00 PM
Comparison of Track Reconstruction Methods of the PANDA Experiment
Tobias Stockmanns
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
(Hall 3.1)
3:15 PM
ATLAS Hardware based track-finding: Present and Future
Todd Michael Seiss
(University of Chicago (US))
(Hall 3.1)
3:30 PM
GPU-based Online Track Reconstructions for the ALICE TPC in Run 3 with Continuous Read Out
David Rohr
(Hall 3.1)
3:45 PM
Quantum Associative Memory in HEP Track Pattern Recognition
Illya Shapoval
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
(Hall 3.1)
2:00 PM
T2 - Offline computing
Gene Van Buren
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Hall 3.2)
2:00 PM
Synergy between the tracker layer layout and track reconstruction in collider environment with high pileup
Slava Krutelyov
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
(Hall 3.2)
2:15 PM
A High-Precision Tracking Algorithm for Mass Reconstruction of Heavy-Ion Fragments in the R3B Experiment at FAIR
Dmytro Kresan
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
(Hall 3.2)
2:30 PM
Parallelized and Vectorized Tracking Using Kalman Filters with CMS Detector Geometry and Events
Matevz Tadel
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
(Hall 3.2)
2:45 PM
COMET multi turn track fitting
- Ms
Yao Zhang
(Hall 3.2)
3:00 PM
Belle II Track Reconstruction and Results from first Collisions
Thomas Hauth
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
(Hall 3.2)
3:15 PM
Track Fitting for the Belle II experiment
Stefano Spataro
(University of Turin)
(Hall 3.2)
3:30 PM
Performance in offline event reconstruction landscape at CMS
Slava Krutelyov
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
(Hall 3.2)
3:45 PM
JANA2 Mutli-threaded Event Reconstruction
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
(Hall 3.2)
2:00 PM
T3 - Distributed computing
David Cameron
(University of Oslo (NO))
(until 4:00 PM)
(Hall 7)
2:00 PM
Minimising wasted CPU time with interruptible LHCb Monte Carlo
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
(Hall 7)
2:15 PM
ATLAS Grid Workflow Performance Optimization
Johannes Elmsheuser
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
(Hall 7)
2:30 PM
Improving efficiency of analysis jobs in CMS
Jose Hernandez
Todor Trendafilov Ivanov
(University of Sofia (BG))
(Hall 7)
2:45 PM
Using AWS Athena analytics to monitor pilot job health on WLCG compute sites
Peter Love
(Lancaster University (GB))
(Hall 7)
3:00 PM
Federated Identity Management for Research
Hannah Short
(Hall 7)
3:15 PM
Operational security, threat intelligence & distributed computing: the WLCG Security Operations Center Working Group
David Crooks
(University of Glasgow (GB))
(Hall 7)
3:30 PM
Macaroons: looking back and looking forward
Paul Millar
(Hall 7)
3:45 PM
EOSC-hub AAI: A federated authentication and authorisation infrastructure for international scientific collaboration at scale
- Mr
Nicolas Liampotis
(Greek Research and Technology Network - GRNET)
(Hall 7)
2:00 PM
T4 - Data handling
Costin Grigoras
(until 4:00 PM)
(Hall 8)
2:00 PM
Echo - Experiences running an erasure coded object store
Rob Appleyard
(Hall 8)
2:15 PM
dCache - joining the noWORM storage club.
- Mr
Tigran Mkrtchyan
(Hall 8)
2:30 PM
A milestone for DPM (Disk Pool Manager)
Fabrizio Furano
(Hall 8)
2:45 PM
Providing large-scale disk storage at CERN
Herve Rousseau
(Hall 8)
3:00 PM
Scaling the EOS namespace
Andrea Manzi
(Hall 8)
3:15 PM
CERNBox: the CERN cloud storage hub
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
(Hall 8)
3:30 PM
Cloud Storage for data-intensive sciences in science and industry
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
(Hall 8)
3:45 PM
Ceph File System for the CERN HPC Infrastructure
Herve Rousseau
(Hall 8)
2:00 PM
T5 - Software development
Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
(until 4:00 PM)
(Hall 3)
2:00 PM
The core software framework for the LHCb Upgrade
Sebastien Ponce
(Hall 3)
2:15 PM
Evolution of the ALICE Software Framework for LHC Run 3
Giulio Eulisse
(Hall 3)
2:30 PM
The ATLAS multithreaded offline framework
Scott Snyder
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
(Hall 3)
2:45 PM
GNA: new framework for statistical data analysis
- Ms
Anna Fatkina
(Hall 3)
3:00 PM
Physics data processing with micro-services
Vardan Gyurjyan
(Jefferson Lab)
(Hall 3)
3:15 PM
A generic data quality monitoring framework for HEP
Remi Ete
(Hall 3)
3:30 PM
Performance optimization of the air shower simulation code for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Johan Bregeon
(Laboratoire Univers et Particules, Université de Montpellier Place Eugène Bataillon - CC 72, CNRS/IN2P3, F-34095 Montpellier, France )
(Hall 3)
3:45 PM
Floating-point profiling of ACTS using Verrou
Bruno Lathuilière
Hadrien Benjamin Grasland
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
(Hall 3)
2:00 PM
T6 - Machine learning and physics analysis
Sergei Gleyser
(until 4:00 PM)
(Hall 9)
2:00 PM
Machine learning at the Cosmic Frontier
- Dr
Christopher Tunnell
(University of Chicago)
(Hall 9)
2:15 PM
Deep Learning applied to the Cherenkov Telescope Array data analysis
- Dr
Thomas Vuillaume
(LAPP, CNRS, Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc)
(Hall 9)
2:30 PM
Machine Learning Techniques in the CMS Higgs to Di-muons Search
Dimitri Bourilkov
(University of Florida (US))
(Hall 9)
2:45 PM
Using Generative Adversarial Networks for fast simulations in the ALICE Experiment
- Dr
Tomasz Piotr Trzcinski
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
(Hall 9)
3:00 PM
The use of adversaries for optimal neural network configuration
- Prof.
Martin Sevior
(University of Melbourne)
(Hall 9)
3:15 PM
Systematics aware learning: a case study in High Energy Physics
- Mr
Victor Estrade
(LRI, UPSud, Université Paris-Saclay)
(Hall 9)
3:30 PM
Binary classifier metrics for event selection optimization in HEP
Andrea Valassi
(Hall 9)
3:45 PM
Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for image classification to the analysis of collisions in High Energy Physics
- Mr
Ignacio Heredia Cacha
(Instituto de Física de Cantabria)
(Hall 9)
2:00 PM
T8 - Networks and facilities
Wei Yang
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Jose Flix Molina
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Hall 10)
2:00 PM
Next Generation of HEP CPU Benchmarks
Domenico Giordano
(Hall 10)
2:15 PM
Sharing server nodes for storage and compute
David Smith
(Hall 10)
2:30 PM
MONIT: Monitoring the CERN Data Centres and the WLCG Infrastructure
Alberto Aimar
(Hall 10)
2:45 PM
Challenges, solutions and lessons learnt in 7 years of Service Management at CERN
David Martin Clavo
(Hall 10)
3:00 PM
Notifications workflows using the CERN IT central messaging infrastructure
Zhechka Toteva
(Hall 10)
3:15 PM
Deploying a "push" model Prometheus
Hristo Umaru Mohamed
(Hall 10)
3:30 PM
Detection of erratic behavior in load balanced clusters of servers using a machine learning based method
Martin Adam
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
(Hall 10)
3:45 PM
Monitoring System of the AMS Science Operation Centre
Baosong Shan
(Beihang University (CN))
(Hall 10)
4:00 PM
(until 5:00 PM)
4:00 PM
FELIX: the new detector interface for the ATLAS experiment
Serguei Kolos
(University of California Irvine (US))
4:40 PM
A cluster finding algorithm for free-streaming input data
Volker Friese
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
4:40 PM
A fully modular framework for detector simulations in ROOT
Philipp Sitzmann
4:40 PM
A new approach for ATLAS Athena job configuration
Walter Lampl
(University of Arizona (US))
4:40 PM
A new cluster finder for ALICE MUON arm for Run3
- Mr
Sean Murray
(University of Cape Town (ZA))
4:40 PM
Addressing scalability with message queues: architecture and use cases for DIRAC interware
Wojciech Jan Krzemien
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))
4:40 PM
Adoption of ARC-CE and HTCondor at GridKa Tier 1
Matthias Jochen Schnepf
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
4:40 PM
Advanced Analytics service to enhance workflow control at the ATLAS Production System
Mikhail Titov
(National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (RU))
4:40 PM
Advanced Scheduling in IaaS Clouds
Nikita Balashov
4:40 PM
ALICE O2 setup for TPC read-out tests for the LHC run 3
Johannes Lehrbach
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
4:40 PM
AlphaTwirl: a python library for summarizing event data into multi-dimensional categorical data
- Dr
Tai Sakuma
(University of Bristol (GB))
4:40 PM
An integrated system for data quality and conditions assessment for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
Juraj Smiesko
(Comenius University (SK))
4:40 PM
Application of Deep Learning on Integrating Prediction, Provenance, and Optimization
Malachi Schram
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Dr
Malachi Schram
4:40 PM
ATLAS Distributed Computing: Its Central Services core
Chris Lee
(University of Cape Town (ZA))
4:40 PM
ATLAS Global Shares Implementation in the PanDA Workload Management System
Fernando Harald Barreiro Megino
(University of Texas at Arlington)
4:40 PM
ATLAS Software Installation on Supercomputers
Alexander Undrus
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
4:40 PM
ATLAS utilisation of the Czech national HPC center
Michal Svatos
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
4:40 PM
Automating calibration at the Belle II detector
David Dossett
(University of Melbourne)
4:40 PM
Automation and Testing for Simplified Software Deployment
Andre Sailer
4:40 PM
Background sensitivity studies for GEM based detectors using a geant4 simulation
Ilaria Vai
(Universita and INFN (IT))
4:40 PM
Bayesian optimisation of the SHiP active muon shield
Oliver Lantwin
(Imperial College (GB))
4:40 PM
Belle II Documentation Effort using Sphinx
- Dr
Martin Ritter
(LMU / Cluster Universe)
4:40 PM
Belle2Lab - Interactive Tool for Public Analysis of Belle II Data
Rok Pestotnik
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
4:40 PM
Belle2VR - A Virtual Reality Visualization of Subatomic Particle Physics
Leo Piilonen
(Virginia Tech)
4:40 PM
Beyond the run boundaries: monitoring and calibrating the detector and the trigger validation of the CMS experiment across runs
Gianluca Cerminara
4:40 PM
CAOS: a tool for OpenStack accounting management
- Dr
Sergio Traldi
(INFN - Sezione di Padova)
Paolo Andreetto
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
Fabrizio Chiarello
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
4:40 PM
CDS Videos - The new platform for CERN videos
- Mr
Flavio Costa
(CERN) Mrs
Ludmila Marian
Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez
Sebastian Witowski
Nicola Tarocco
Esteban Gabancho
4:40 PM
Cherenkov Light in Liquid Scintillator at the NOvA Experiment: A Cautionary Tale
Adam Aurisano
(University of Cincinnati)
4:40 PM
CMS ECAL DAQ Monitoring system
Giacomo Cucciati
4:40 PM
Giacomo Cucciati
4:40 PM
CMS event reconstruction status in Run 2
Andrea Perrotta
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
4:40 PM
CMS Workflow Failures Recovery Panel, Towards AI-assisted Operation
Jean-Roch Vlimant
(California Institute of Technology (US))
4:40 PM
Collaborative Scientific Authoring at CERN: A user-centered approach
Nikos Kasioumis
4:40 PM
Compact data stream for jets at ATLAS
William Kalderon
(Lund University (SE))
4:40 PM
Concurrent Adaptative Load Balancing at (@CERN)
Zhechka Toteva
4:40 PM
Conditions data handling in the multithreaded ATLAS framework
Charles Leggett
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
4:40 PM
Containers usage on the ATLAS grid infrastructure
Alessandra Forti
(University of Manchester (GB))
4:40 PM
Continuous Performance Benchmarking Framework for ROOT
Oksana Shadura
(University of Nebraska Lincoln)
4:40 PM
Data acquisition and Software the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Phase-II Upgrade Demonstrator
Xiaoguang Yue
(Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
4:40 PM
Data Quality Monitoring and Prompt Processing in the protoDUNE-SP experiment
Maxim Potekhin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
4:40 PM
dCache development and testing on Openstack
Christian Voss
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
4:40 PM
DDS – The Dynamic Deployment System
Andrey Lebedev
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
4:40 PM
Deployment and monitoring of grid infrastructure and jobs
Thomas Hartmann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
4:40 PM
Design and development of vulnerability management portal for DMZ admins powered by DBPowder
Tadashi Murakami
4:40 PM
Developing a monitoring system for Cloud-based distributed datacenters
Gioacchino Vino
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
4:40 PM
Developing a Software Management and Testing Platform-as-a-Service for Research Software
Andrew John Washbrook
(The University of Edinburgh (GB))
4:40 PM
Development of profiling system for low-energy physics
Sang Un Ahn
(Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR))
4:40 PM
Distributed and Integrated IaaS and PaaS Cloud for Research - The INFN Corporate Cloud solution.
Stefano Stalio
4:40 PM
Equal cost multi pathing in high power systems with TRILL
Andrey Baginyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
4:40 PM
Establishment of new WLCG Tier Center using HTCondorCE on UMD middleware.
- Dr
Geonmo Ryu
(Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR))
4:40 PM
Evolution of monitoring, accounting and alerting services at INFN-CNAF Tier1
- Mr
Enrico Fattibene
4:40 PM
Evolving CERN’s Network Configuration Management System
Stefan Nicolae Stancu
4:40 PM
Experience in using public Cloud for Belle II experiment within HNSciCloud Project.
Silvio Pardi
4:40 PM
Factory Monitoring for the 21st century
Edgar Fajardo Hernandez
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
4:40 PM
Fair Share Scheduler for OpenNebula (FaSS): implementation and performance tests
Sara Vallero
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) Dr
Stefano Bagnasco
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Torino)
Valentina Zaccolo
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
4:40 PM
Fast online reconstruction of short-lived particles with KF Particle Finder in the CBM experiment
Maksym Zyzak
4:40 PM
Feature Updates In Pyglidein, An HTCondor Glidein Generator
David Schultz
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
4:40 PM
FERRY: Access Control and Quota Management Service
Vito Di Benedetto
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
4:40 PM
g4tools/4.x with an HDF5 IO driver and row-wise ntuple to handle single file IO in the ROOT format in a parallel-computing context.
- Dr
Guy Barrand
4:40 PM
gopaw is for "Good Old PAW". gopaw is a rewriting of CERN/PAW by using the softinex inlib/exlib C++ classes.
- Dr
Guy Barrand
(Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France.)
4:40 PM
GridKa network development towards LHC run 3 and run 4 (HL)
Bruno Heinrich Hoeft
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
4:40 PM
HPC resource integration into CMS Computing via HEPCloud
Dirk Hufnagel
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
4:40 PM
Improving ATLAS computing resource utilization with HammerCloud
Jaroslava Schovancova
4:40 PM
Improving the Scheduling Efficiency of a Global Multi-core HTCondor Pool in CMS
James Letts
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
4:40 PM
Increasing Windows security by hardening PC configurations
Pablo Martin Zamora
4:40 PM
Integrated automation for configuration management and operations in the ATLAS online computing farm
Arturo Sanchez Pineda
(Abdus Salam Int. Cent. Theor. Phys. (IT))
4:40 PM
Integrating a dynamic data federation into the ATLAS distributed data management system
Frank Berghaus
(University of Victoria (CA))
4:40 PM
Integration of a heterogeneous compute resource in the ATLAS workflow
Felix Buhrer
(Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
4:40 PM
IT Service Management at CERN: Data Centre and Service monitoring and status
David Martin Clavo
4:40 PM
KairosDB and Chronix as longterm storage for Prometheus - For those who don't want to deal with Hbase.
Hristo Umaru Mohamed
4:40 PM
Limits of the HTCondor transfer system
Edgar Fajardo Hernandez
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
4:40 PM
Local Reconstruction Algorithms in the Cathode Strip Chambers of CMS
Mirena Paneva
(University of California Riverside (US))
4:40 PM
Low power, large scale HPC platforms for scientific and engineering applications: status of ExaNeSt and EuroExa H2020 FETHPC projects.
Alessandro Lonardo
(Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
4:40 PM
Machine Learning based global particle identification algorithms at the LHCb experiment
Mikhail Hushchyn
(Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))
4:40 PM
Managing an heterogeneous scientific computing cluster with cloud-like tools: ideas and experience
Stefano Bagnasco
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Torino)
4:40 PM
Measurement and simulation of the background in the CMS muon detectors
Cesare Calabria
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
4:40 PM
Merging OpenStack based private clouds: the case of CloudVeneto.it
- Dr
Marco Verlato
(INFN - Sezione di Padova)
4:40 PM
Modeling Allocation Utilization Strategies on Supercomputers
Alexey Poyda
(National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (RU))
Mikhail Titov
(National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (RU))
4:40 PM
Monitoring tools for the CMS muon detector: present workflows and future automation
Cesare Calabria
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
4:40 PM
Montoring virtual machines and containers with VacMon
- Dr
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
4:40 PM
namespace root
- Dr
Guy Barrand
(Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France.)
4:40 PM
New approaches for track reconstruction in LHCb's Vertex Locator
Christoph Hasse
(CERN / Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
4:40 PM
New Developments in DD4hep
Marko Petric
4:40 PM
New fitting concept in ATLAS muon tracking for the LHC Run II
Zachary Louis Marshall
(University of California Berkeley (US))
4:40 PM
Numerical predictions of GEM nonlinear mechanical properties under large deformations
Othmane Bouhali
(Texas A & M University (US))
4:40 PM
Object store stress testing for ATLAS distributed computing
Peter Love
(Lancaster University (GB))
4:40 PM
Online reconstruction of the collision topology in the CBM experiment
- Dr
Valentina Akishina
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
4:40 PM
Online reconstruction of tracks and vertices using the Upgraded Inner Tracking System of ALICE at the LHC
Matteo Concas
(INFN e Politecnico di Torino (IT))
4:40 PM
Online track fit for the ALICE TPC detector in Online-Offline framework
Sergey Gorbunov
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
4:40 PM
Operation of the ATLAS distributed computing
Ivan Glushkov
(University of Texas at Arlington (US))
4:40 PM
Optimising Lattice QCD for GPUs
- Dr
Waseem Kamleh
(University of Adelaide)
4:40 PM
Optimizing Frameworks' Performance Using C++ Modules-Aware ROOT
Yuka Takahashi
(University of Cincinnati (US))
4:40 PM
PaaS for web applications as key to the evolution of CERN Web Services
Andreas Wagner
4:40 PM
PanDA WMS for Lattice QCD Computations
Pavlo Svirin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
4:40 PM
Particle track building with Recurrent Neural Networks
Steven Andrew Farrell
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
4:40 PM
Felice Pantaleo
4:40 PM
Performance of the AMS Offline Software at National Energy Research Scientific Computing Centre and Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
Baosong Shan
(Beihang University (CN))
4:40 PM
Perspectives for the migration of the LHCb geometry to the DD4hep toolkit
Ben Couturier
4:40 PM
Power Usage Effectiveness analysis and optimization in the INFN CNAF Tier-1 data center infrastructure.
Pier Paolo Ricci
4:40 PM
Preliminary results coupling SMF and BLOB with Geant4
Carlo Mancini-Terracciano
(INFN - Roma1)
4:40 PM
Producing Madgraph5_aMC@NLO gridpacks and using TensorFlow GPU resources in the CMS HTCondor Global Pool
Kenyi Paolo Hurtado Anampa
(University of Notre Dame (US))
4:40 PM
Recent developments in glideinWMS: minimizing resource wastages
Marco Mascheroni
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
4:40 PM
Research and Exploit of Resource Sharing Strategy at IHEP
Xiaowei Jiang
Jingyan Shi
Jiaheng Zou
4:40 PM
Run Control Software for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon to Central Trigger Processor Interface (MUCTPI)
Ralf Spiwoks
4:40 PM
Running Oracle WebLogic on containers
Borja Aparicio Cotarelo
4:40 PM
Service monitoring system for JINR Tier-1
Igor Pelevanyuk
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
4:40 PM
SGSI project at CNAF
Enrico Fattibene
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
4:40 PM
Simulation approach for improving the computing network topology and performance of the China IHEP Data Center
Andrey Nechaevskiy
4:40 PM
Simulation of a Fast Timing Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector for TOF-PET and future accelerators
Raffaella Radogna
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
4:40 PM
Software packaging and distribution for LHCb using Nix
Chris Burr
(University of Manchester (GB))
4:40 PM
Spanish ATLAS Federated Tier2 and Tier1 perspective on computing over the next years
Santiago Gonzalez De La Hoz
(Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
4:40 PM
Speedup approaches in a TPC Cellular Automaton track finder
Grigory Kozlov
4:40 PM
SPT-3G Computing
Benedikt Riedel
(University of Chicago)
4:40 PM
The ATLAS Access Manager Policy Browser: state-of-the-art web technologies for a rich and interactive data visualization experience
Igor Soloviev
(University of California Irvine (US))
4:40 PM
The ATLAS Muon Trigger
Shota Hayashida
(Nagoya University (JP))
4:40 PM
The ATLAS Online Luminosity Software
Alex Kastanas
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))
4:40 PM
The ATLAS Trigger Menu design for higher luminosities in Run 2
Javier Montejo Berlingen
4:40 PM
The ATLAS Trigger Simulation with Legacy Software
Catrin Bernius
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
4:40 PM
The Cloud of geographically distributed data centers
- Mr
Petr Fedchenkov
(ITMO University)
4:40 PM
The ComputeOps project: containers for HPC
Cecile Cavet
4:40 PM
The EU Up to University Project - Bridging the gap between secondary and higher education
Enric Tejedor Saavedra
4:40 PM
The GridKa WLCG Tier-1 Center: Status and Plans
Andreas Petzold
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
4:40 PM
The impact of applying WildCards to dead modules for FTK pattern banks on efficiency and data flow.
Khalil Bouaouda
(Universite Hassan II, Ain Chock (MA))
4:40 PM
The INFN scientific computing infrastructure: present status and future evolution
Donatella Lucchesi
(INFN Padova)
Gianpaolo Carlino
(INFN Napoli)
Tommaso Boccali
(INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P)
Luca dell'Agnello
4:40 PM
The next generation PanDA Pilot for and beyond the ATLAS experiment
Paul Nilsson
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
4:40 PM
The Online Monitoring API for the DIALOG Library of the COMPASS Experiment
Ondrej Subrt
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
4:40 PM
The Security model of the ALICE next generation Grid framework
Volodymyr Yurchenko
(National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))
4:40 PM
- Prof.
G. Ososkov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
4:40 PM
The SLAC RCE Platform for ProtoDUNE-SP
- Dr
Ka Vang Tsang
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
4:40 PM
Thoughts on using python, numpy, and scikit-learn for HEP analysis
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington (US))
4:40 PM
Three weeks long hackathon - LHCb's Puppet 3.5 to Puppet 4.9 migration.
Hristo Umaru Mohamed
4:40 PM
Towards a responsive CernVM-FS architecture
Radu Popescu
4:40 PM
Track extrapolation and muon identification in Belle II event reconstruction
Leo Piilonen
(Virginia Tech)
4:40 PM
Tracking System Performance of the BM@N Experiment
Nikolay Voytishin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
4:40 PM
Trident: A three pronged approach to analysing node utilisation
Servesh Muralidharan
4:40 PM
Trigger Rate Monitoring Tools at CMS
Andrew Wightman
(University of Notre Dame (US))
4:40 PM
Triggering on hadronic signatures in ATLAS – developments for 2017 and 2018
Emanuel Gouveia
(LIP Laboratorio de Instrumacao e Fisica Experimental de Particu)
4:40 PM
Understanding the evolution of conditions data access through Frontier for the ATLAS Experiment
Michal Svatos
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
4:40 PM
Upgrade of CMS Full Simulation for Run-2
- Prof.
Vladimir Ivantchenko
4:40 PM
Using Fat Containers on HPCs for the ATLAS Experiment
Wei Yang
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
4:40 PM
Using the autopilot pattern to deploy container resources at a WLCG Tier-2
Gareth Douglas Roy
(University of Glasgow (GB))
4:40 PM
WISE Information Security for Collaborating e-Infrastructures
Hannah Short
4:45 PM
A Historic Data Quality Monitor (HDQM) tool for the CMS TRACKER Detector
Dimitrios Loukas
(Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))
4:45 PM
A Simplified Computing Framework for FPGA-Accelerated Workloads
David Nonso Ojika
(University of Florida (US))
4:45 PM
A simulation tool for ALICE storage and computing resource usage
Narine Manukyan
(A.Alikhanyan National Laboratory (AM))
Armenuhi Abramyan
(A.Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (AM))
4:45 PM
An open source data transfer toolkit for research data
David Colling
(Imperial College (GB))
4:45 PM
Backup Infrastructure at CERN
Julien Leduc
Alex Iribarren
4:45 PM
Best Practices in Accessing Tape-Resident Data in HPSS
David Yu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
4:45 PM
Broadcasting dynamic metadata content to external web pages using AMI (ATLAS Metadata Interface) embeddable components
- Mr
Fabian Lambert
(LPSC Grenoble IN2P3/CNRS (FR))
4:45 PM
Enrico Fattibene
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
4:45 PM
Decay Chain Reconstruction in Belle II
- Dr
Francesco Tenchini
(University of Melbourne)
4:45 PM
Deploying and extending CMS Tier 3s using VC3 and the OSG Hosted CE service
Kenyi Paolo Hurtado Anampa
(University of Notre Dame (US))
4:45 PM
Distributed caching system for a multi-site DPM storage
Alessandra Doria
(INFN, Napoli (IT))
4:45 PM
Dynafed: Common directions for http and cloud storage federations
Fabrizio Furano
4:45 PM
Dynamic and on-demand data streams
Valerio Formato
(Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
4:45 PM
Estimating Time To Complete for ATLAS data transfers
Joaquin Ignacio Bogado Garcia
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata (AR))
4:45 PM
Evolution of the VISPA-project
Benjamin Fischer
(RWTH Aachen University)
4:45 PM
Extending the Manchester site with containers and cloud technology
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
4:45 PM
Final Analysis Sample Metadata
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
4:45 PM
Gaining insight from large data volumes with ease
Valentin Y Kuznetsov
(Cornell University (US))
4:45 PM
Geant4 validation web application
Ivan Razumov
(Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
Witold Pokorski
4:45 PM
GenEx - a modular software framework of MC event generator for exclusive processes
Mateusz Jacek Goncerz
(AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
4:45 PM
Grid production with the ATLAS Event Service
Esteban Fullana Torregrosa
(Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
4:45 PM
GRID-based off-line infrastructure for the PADME experiment at the DAFNE BTF
Alessandro De Salvo
(Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
4:45 PM
Improvements to the LHCb software performance testing infrastructure using message queues and big data technologies
Maciej Pawel Szymanski
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
4:45 PM
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
4:45 PM
JavaScript ROOT v5
Serguei Linev
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
4:45 PM
Kudu prototypes for the ATLAS EventIndex and the future Event WhiteBoard
Zbigniew Baranowski
4:45 PM
Managing data recovery for Long Term Data Preservation
- Dr
Stefano Dal Pra
4:45 PM
Optimising XRootD access to erasure coded object stores
Rob Appleyard
Alastair Dewhurst
(STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
4:45 PM
Optimizing access to conditions data in ATLAS event data processing
Lorenzo Rinaldi
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
4:45 PM
Particle Flow reconstruction in the Level-1 trigger at CMS for the HL-LHC
Jennifer Ngadiuba
(INFN, Milano)
4:45 PM
Performance Analysis of Effective Symbolic Methods for Solving Band Matrix SLEs
Milena Veneva
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
4:45 PM
RDMA-accelerated data transport in ALFA
Dennis Klein
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
4:45 PM
Ready to Go Data Transfers: supporting the long tail of science
Andrea Manzi
4:45 PM
Remote data access in computational jobs on the ATLAS data grid
Volodimir Begy
(University of Vienna (AT))
4:45 PM
Securing and sharing Elasticsearch resources with ReadonlyREST
Zhechka Toteva
4:45 PM
Shared Memory Transport for ALFA
Alexey Rybalchenko
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
4:45 PM
SHiP Spectrometer Optimization using Bayesian optimization with Gaussian processes
Mikhail Hushchyn
(Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))
4:45 PM
The ATLAS Wide-Range Database & Application Monitoring
Petya Tsvetanova Vasileva
4:45 PM
The GridKa Tape System: monitoring and failure analysis
- Mr
Dorin Lobontu
(Karlsruhe Institut of Technology)
4:45 PM
Using Lustre and SLURM to process Hadoop workloads and extending to the WLCG
Daniel Peter Traynor
(University of London (GB))
4:45 PM
Using Machine Learning for Precision Measurements
- Dr
Dimitri Bourilkov
(University of Florida)
4:45 PM
Using ZFS to manage Grid storage and improve middleware resilience
Teng LI
(Shandong University, China)
Robert Andrew Currie
(The University of Edinburgh (GB))
4:45 PM
Xcache in the ATLAS Distributed Computing Environment
Wei Yang
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
4:45 PM
XRootD Erasure Coding Plugin
Michal Kamil Simon
Andreas Joachim Peters
4:45 PM
XRootD plug-in based solutions for site specific requirements
Jan Knedlik
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)
5:00 PM
Graeme Stewart
(until 6:30 PM)
(Hall 3)
5:00 PM
ATLAS and CMS Trigger and Data Acquisition Upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC
Imma Riu
(IFAE Barcelona (ES))
(Hall 3)
5:30 PM
HEP strategy on multithreading / vectorisation
Gerhard Raven
(Natuurkundig Laboratorium-Vrije Universiteit (VU)-Unknown)
(Hall 3)
6:00 PM
Community driven common tracking software - the ACTS project
Andreas Salzburger
(Hall 3)