9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

ALICE O2 setup for TPC read-out tests for the LHC run 3

10 Jul 2018, 16:00
Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

National Culture Palace, Boulevard "Bulgaria", 1463 NDK, Sofia, Bulgaria
Poster Track 1 - Online computing Posters


Johannes Lehrbach (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))



ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is one of the four big experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). For ALICE Run 3 there will be a major upgrade for several detectors as well as the compute infrastructure with a combined Online-Offline computing system (O2) to support continuous readout at much higher data rates than before (3TB/s). The ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main contributor to the data volume which is read out via the Common Readout Unit (CRU).
For the first read-out test of a complete TPC inner read-out chamber (IROC) in the beginning of 2018 and the following tests of a complete TPC sector end of Q2 2018 we build an O2 prototype system using the O2 software stack which is currently developed for LHC run 3. The setup consists of 5 First-Level-Processing servers (FLPs) with two CRUs each as input nodes and 2 Event-Processing-Nodes (EPNs). With this test setup we can evaluate the feasibility of the planned software tools on a small scale as well as the read-out with the O2 processing and analysis framework. During the long shutdown this setup will be extended for pre-commissioning tests of the upgraded TPC detector.
We give a summary of the deployed test setup for the TPC as well as the experiences so far and an outlook of the future steps towards the final O2 system.

Primary author

Johannes Lehrbach (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))


Presentation materials