The current scientific environment has experimentalists and system administrators allocating large amounts of time for data access, parsing and gathering
as well as instrument management. This is a growing challenge with more large
collaborations with significant amount of instrument resources, remote instrumentation sites and continuously improved and upgraded scientific instruments.
DAQBroker is a new software framework adopted by the CLOUD experiment at
CERN. This framework was designed to monitor CLOUD's network of various
architectures and operating systems and collect data from any instrument while
also providing simple data access to any user. Data can be stored in one or
several local or remote databases running on any of the most popular RDBMS
(MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle). It also provides the necessary tools for creating
and editing the meta data associated with different instruments, perform data
manipulation and generate events based on instrument measurements, regard-
less of the user's know-how of individual instruments. DAQBroker is a software
package focused on three major components: Storage, communication and user
interface. This submission will present an overview of each of DAQBroker's components as well as provide preliminary performance results of the application
running on high and low performance machines.