Track finding procedure is one of the key steps of events reconstruction in high energy physics experiments. Track finding algorithms combine hits into tracks and reconstruct trajectories of particles flying through the detector. The tracking procedure is considered as an extremely time consuming task because of large combinatorics. Thus, calculation speed is crucial in heavy ion experiments, especially for the online reconstruction. The Cellular Automaton (CA) algorithm provides a perfect solution for this task.
In this work we consider improvements of the CA track finder, which was developed and applied for TPC detector. The track finder is being prepared to operate in the online mode, thus, requires maximum possible speedup. To achieve these goal, the data structures were improved for better vectorisation and parallelisation. The algorithm was optimised to decrease the combinatoric level and simplify the calculations. As a result, achieved speed up allows to use the algorithm for the online reconstruction with the efficiency being as good as before even in case of high particle multiplicity.