The Cloud Area Padovana (CAP) is, since 2014, a scientific IaaS cloud, spread across two different sites: the INFN Padova Unit and the INFN Legnaro National Labs. It provides about 1100 logical cores and 50 TB of storage. The entire computing facility, owned by INFN, satisfies the computational and storage demands of more than 100 users afferent to about 30 research projects, mainly related to HEP and Nuclear Physics. The Padova data centre also hosts and operates since 2015 an independent IaaS cloud managing network, storage and computing resources owned by 10 departments of the University of Padova, spawning a broader range of scientific and engineering disciplines. This infrastructure provides about 480 logical cores and 90 TB of storage and supports more than 40 research projects. These two clouds share only a limited set of ICT services and tools (mainly for configuration, monitoring and accounting), whereas their daily operations and maintenance are carried out separately by INFN and University personnel. At the end of 2017 we planned to merge the two infrastructures in order to optimise the use of resources (both human and ICT) and to avoid needless duplication of services. We discuss here how we plan to implement such integration, that will result in the provision of a single Cloud infrastructure named CloudVeneto.