9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

PanDA WMS for Lattice QCD Computations

10 Jul 2018, 16:00
Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

National Culture Palace, Boulevard "Bulgaria", 1463 NDK, Sofia, Bulgaria
Poster Track 3 – Distributed computing Posters


Pavlo Svirin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))


Lattice QCD (LQCD) is a well-established non-perturbative approach to solving the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) theory of quarks and gluons. It is understood that future LQCD calculations will require exascale computing capacities and workload management system (WMS) in order to manage them efficiently.
In this talk we will discuss the use of the PanDA WMS for LQCD simulations. The PanDA WMS was developed by the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC to manage data analysis and detector simulations on distributed and heterogeneous computing resources which include hundreds of Grid and Cloud sites, as well as HPC machines. Currently PanDA is also used for projects and experiments outside of ATLAS.
For this project we have created a prototype on Titan supercomputer at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF). In order to provide communication with PanDA server as well as job submissions to the local batch system we have deployed dedicated PanDA edge services on Titan’s data transfer nodes. The system was tested with realistic LQCD workloads submitted via PanDA server instance running in the Docker container at the OLCF. In our talk we will present results of these tests and discuss future plans for extending current setup to other HPC sites.


Pavlo Svirin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Sergey Panitkin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Danila Oleynik (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Ruslan Mashinistov (University of Texas at Arlington) Mr Rasmus Larsen (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Kaushik De (University of Texas at Arlington (US)) Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Dr Jack C. Wells (Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US))

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