9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

WISE Information Security for Collaborating e-Infrastructures

10 Jul 2018, 16:00
Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

National Culture Palace, Boulevard "Bulgaria", 1463 NDK, Sofia, Bulgaria
Poster Track 3 – Distributed computing Posters


Hannah Short (CERN)


As most are fully aware, cybersecurity attacks are an ever-growing problem as larger parts of our lives take place on-line. Distributed digital infrastructures are no exception and action must be taken to both reduce the security risk and to handle security incidents when they inevitably happen. These activities are carried out by the various e-Infrastructures and it has become very clear in recent years that collaboration with others both helps to improve the security and to work more efficiently.

WISE provides a trusted forum where security experts can share information on topics such as risk management, experiences about certification processes and threat intelligence. With participants from e-Infrastructures such as WLCG, EGI, EUDAT, PRACE, XSEDE, NRENs and more, WISE focuses on standards, guidelines and practices, and promotes the protection of critical infrastructure. To date WISE has published two documents; a risk management template and a second version of the SCI framework, endorsed by multiple, large-scale e-Infrastructures. In 2018 WISE will begin work on new areas of relevance to the HEP community, including a focus on operational security and incident response for interoperating infrastructures.

We present an overview of the available WISE recommendations, and extend an invitation to participate in our working groups.

[1] https://wise-community.org

Primary authors

Romain Wartel (CERN) Hannah Short (CERN) David Kelsey (STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))

Presentation materials