9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

Sim@P1: Using Cloudscheduler for offline processing on the ATLAS HLT farm

10 Jul 2018, 11:30
Hall 10 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 10

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 7 – Clouds, virtualization and containers T7 - Clouds, virtualization and containers


Frank Berghaus (University of Victoria (CA))


The Simulation at Point1 (Sim@P1) project was built in 2013 to take advantage of the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition High Level Trigger (HLT) farm. The HLT farm provides more than 2,000 compute nodes, which are critical to ATLAS during data taking. When ATLAS is not recording data, this large compute resource is used to generate and process simulation data for the experiment. The Sim@P1 system uses virtual machines, deployed by OpenStack, in order to isolate the resources from the ATLAS technical and control network. During the upcoming long shutdown in 2019 (LS2), the HLT farm including the Sim@P1 infrastructure will be upgraded. A previous paper on the project emphasized the need for “simple, reliable, and efficient tools” to quickly switch between data acquisition operation and offline processing.In this contribution we assess various options for updating and simplifying the provisional tools. Cloudscheduler is a tool for provisioning cloud resources for batch computing that has been managing cloud resources in HEP offline computing since 2012. We present the argument for choosing Cloudscheduler, and describe technical details regarding optimal utilization of the Sim@P1 resources.


Frank Berghaus (University of Victoria (CA)) Franco Brasolin (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)) Kevin Casteels (University of Victoria (CA)) Colson Driemel (University of Victoria) Markus Ebert (MIT) Colin Roy Leavett-Brown (University of Victoria (CA)) Chris Lee (University of Cape Town (ZA)) Peter Love (Lancaster University (GB)) Michael Paterson (University of Victoria (CA)) Diana Scannicchio (University of California Irvine (US)) Rolf Seuster (University of Victoria (CA)) Randy Sobie (University of Victoria (CA)) Ryan Taylor (University of Victoria (CA)) Tahya Weiss-Gibbons

Presentation materials