9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone


9 Jul 2018, 15:00
Hall 7 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 7

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 3 – Distributed computing T3 - Distributed computing


Vladimir Korenkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))


Computing in the field of high energy physics requires usage of heterogeneous computing resources and IT, such as grid, high performance computing, cloud computing and big data analytics for data processing and analysis. The core of the distributed computing environment at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC). It includes Tier-1 for CMS experiment, Tier-2 site for all LHC experiments and other grid non-LHC VOs, such as BIOMED, СOMPASS, NICA/MPD, NOvA, STAR and BESIII, as well as cloud and HPC infrastructures. A brief status overview of each component is presented. Particular attention is given to the development of distributed computations performed in collaboration with CERN, BNL, FNAL, FAIR, China, and JINR Member States. One of the directions for the cloud infrastructure is development of integration methods of various cloud resources of the JINR Member States in order to perform common tasks, and also distribution of load on the integrated resources. We performed integration of cloud resources of several institutes in Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria and Belarus. Extension of the HPC component will be carried through a specialized for HPC engineering infrastructure being created at MICC, which makes use of the contact liquid cooling technology implemented by the Russian company JSC "RSC Technologies". We present our plans to further develop MICC as a center for scientific computing within the multidisciplinary research environment of JINR and JINR Member States, and particularly for megascience projects, such as NICA.


Vladimir Korenkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Andrei Dolbilov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)) Valeri Mitsyn (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Tatiana Strizh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Nikolay Kutovskiy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Dmitry Podgainy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Oksana Streltsova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Mr Vladimir Trofimov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Peter Zrelov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials