9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

Novel Approaches to Track & Vertex Reconstruction in the Upgraded LHCb VELO

12 Jul 2018, 15:15
Hall 9 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 9

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 6 – Machine learning and physics analysis T6 - Machine learning and physics analysis


Dr Kurt Rinnert (University of Liverpool (GB))


The LHCb experiment will undergo a major upgrade for LHC Run-III, scheduled to
start taking data in 2021. The upgrade of the LHCb detector introduces a
radically new data-taking strategy: the current multi-level event filter will
be replaced by a trigger-less readout system, feeding data into a software
event filter at a rate of 40 MHz.

In particular, a new Vertex Locator (VELO) will be installed. The current
VELO, a silicon strip detector surrounding the interaction region, will be
replaced by a hybrid pixel system. The electronics of the upgraded VELO will
be capable of reading out data a 40 MHz.

The particle tracks and decay vertices provided by the VELO comprise a large
fraction of the background suppression power of the software event filter.
Full event reconstruction at a rate of 40 MHz is a big challenge, given ever
limited computing resources. It has become clear that conventional approaches
to track and vertex reconstruction would limit the physics potential of the
upgraded LHCb experiment. Exploring novel approaches is therefore necessary.

Recent developments in Deep Learning and parallel processing enable radically
new approaches to event reconstruction. The performance of several of these new
techniques, in terms of processing time as well as efficiency and purity, will
be presented.


Dr Kurt Rinnert (University of Liverpool (GB))

Presentation materials