The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation of ground-based gamma-ray telescopes for gamma-ray astronomy. Two arrays will be deployed composed of 19 telescopes in the Northern hemisphere and 99 telescopes in the Southern hemisphere. Observatory operations are planned to start in 2021 but first data from prototypes should be available already in 2019. Due to its very high sensitivity, CTA will record a tremendous amount of data that represent a computing challenge to the reconstruction software. We develop High Performance Computing (HPC) solutions able to tackle these challenges and to perform the reconstruction of CTA raw data maximizing the usage of computing resources and thus minimizing their cost. The developed algorithms are organized in a reduction pipeline.
Here we present this pipeline including the compression and decompression of data with our HPC compression algorithm, a data format automatically generated with HPC features, the computation of Hillas parameters and their application to the events reconstruction. Physics and computing performances are presented and compared to the state of the art.