The INFN Tier-1 center at CNAF has been extended in 2016 and 2017 in order to include a small amount of resources (~24 kHS06 corresponding to ~10% of the CNAF pledges for LHC in 2017) physically located art the Bari-ReCas site (~600 km far from CNAF).
In 2018, a significant percentage of the CPU power (~170 kHS06, equivalent to ~50% of the total CNAF pledges) are going to be provided via a collaboration with the PRACE Tier-0 CINECA center (a few km far from CNAF), thus building a truly geographically distributed center over the WAN.
The two sites are going to be interconnected via an high bandwidth link (400-1000 Gb/s), in order to ensure a transparent access to data resident on storage at CNAF; latency between the centers is low enough not to need particular caching strategies. In this contribution we describe the issues and the results of the production configuration, with a focus both on the management aspects and on the performance as seen by the users.