Jul 9 – 13, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

A Python upgrade to the GooFit package for parallel fitting

Jul 9, 2018, 3:30 PM
Hall 3 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 3

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 5 – Software development T5 - Software development


Henry Fredrick Schreiner (University of Cincinnati (US))


The GooFit highly parallel fitting package for GPUs and CPUs has been substantially upgraded in the past year. Python bindings have been added to allow simple access to the fitting configuration, setup, and execution. A Python tool to write custom GooFit code given a (compact and elegant) MINT3/AmpGen amplitude description allows the corresponding C++ code to be written quickly and correctly. New PDFs have been added. The most recent release was built on top of the December 2017 2.0 release that added easier builds, new platforms, and a more robust and efficient underlying function evaluation engine.


Henry Fredrick Schreiner (University of Cincinnati (US)) Ms Himadri Pandey (University of Cincinnati) Mr Hittle Bradley (Ohio Supercomputer Center)


Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US)) Christoph Hasse (CERN / Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)) Karen Tomko

Presentation materials