9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

dCache as open-source project showcase for education

11 Jul 2018, 12:45
Hall 3 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 3

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 5 – Software development T5 - Software development


Mr Tigran Mkrtchyan (DESY)


For over a decade, dCache.org has provided software which is used at more than 80 sites around the world, providing reliable services for WLCG experiments and others. This can be achieved only with a well established process starting from the whiteboard, where ideas are created, all the way through to packages, installed on the production systems. Since early 2013 we have moved to git as our source code management system as well as to GitHub as our source code hosting service.

Since the summer of 2017, the dCache team is involved into the education process of students from HTW Berlin. The goal of the course is to teach students to contribute to ‘a standard open-source project’. The dCache version 3.2 was released with multiple changes contributed during the course. As dCache is built around well-known tools and technologies, students should be able to apply the skills acquired during the seminar to most other open source projects as well.

Although students only had a very short time to get familiar with the dCache project, our release process was stable enough to handle a flood of first-time contributors without compromising code quality and stability.

This presentation will show how techniques and tools are used by dCache developers to manage code and releases, how to handle external contributions and still keep the quality and reliability of the provided packages.


Presentation materials