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Council - Hundred-and-eighty-third Session
60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F) (CERN)

60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


Show room on map
from Thursday 15 December 2016 (09:30) to Friday 16 December 2016 (18:05)

Thursday 15 December 2016


9.30: Restricted Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Report of the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Eighty-Second Restricted Session & Restricted Session on European Strategy Matters
CERN/3275/RA English French
3. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/3276/Rev.2 English French
4. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
5. President’s Report
6. Director-General’s Report
7. Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN
8. Overview of Protocols concluded since November 2015
CERN/3284/RA English French
9. Status report on participation of non-Member States in the CERN Programmes 2015-2016
CERN/3285/RA English Slides
10. Co-operation agreement between the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Government of Sri Lanka
CERN/3286/RA English French
11. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Ms C. Jamieson)
12. The Cost-Variation Index for 2017
CERN/FC/6061 CERN/3278 English French Slides
13. Final Budget of the Organization for the Sixty-Third Financial Year 2017
CERN/FC/6060 CERN/3277 English French Slides
14. CERN Health Insurance Scheme: Proposals for modifications by the Management
CERN/FC/6066/Rev. CERN/3282/Rev. English French Slides
--- Coffee ---
15. CERN Pension Fund
   15.1 Report by the Chair of the Governing Board (Dr T. Roth)
Report Slides
   15.2 Technical Amendments to the Agreement between CERN and ESO concerning the admission of ESO staff to the CERN Pension Fund
CERN/FC/6067 CERN/3283 English French
   15.3 Report by the Chair of the Working Group on Pension Fund governance (Mr P. Pardo)
   15.4 Reform of the CERN pension scheme - White Paper
White Paper
16. Standing Advisory Committee on Audits (SACA)
   16.1 SACA - Report of activities 2016
CERN/FC/6064/RA CERN/3279/RA English French SACA Summary
   16.2 New questions from delegations
   16.3 Draft Terms of Reference for a CERN Audit Committee submitted by the SACA - White Paper
White Paper
--- Lunch ---
17. Preliminary analysis of the employment of young scientists (Dr C. Bianchin - Oral)
18. Scientific Policy Committee
   18.1 Report by the Chair (Prof. T. Nakada)
   18.2 New questions from delegations
19. Outcome of the October 2016 LIU and HL-LHC Cost & Schedule Review (Dr F. Bordry - Oral)
CMAC Final Report Slides
20. Review of the Limited-Duration Staff Complement: Reallocation of Resources
CERN/SPC/1079/RA CERN/FC/6065/RA CERN/3281/RA English French Slides
21. Preparation of the Medium-Term Plan for the period 2018-2022 (Director-General - Oral)
22. Time frame for the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics and one amendment to the applicable procedural framework (CERN/3092/RA)
CERN/SPC/1080/RA CERN/3289/RA English French
23. Fundraising – List of proposed projects
CERN/3287/RA English French Slides
24. Confirmation of access status of documents of the Session
25. Other Business
16.45: Closed Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Enlargement Process
   1.1 Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Republic of Slovenia as Associate Member in the pre-stage to membership at CERN
CERN/3288/RA English French
   1.2 Further developments (Director-General)
2. Elections
   2.1 Scientific Policy Committee - Composition of the SPC Appointment of the Chair Appointment of three new members and re-appointment of three members
CERN/3290/RA English French
   2.2 Council a) Re-election of the President of Council b) Re-election of one Vice-President of Council c) Election of the Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee d) Re-election of the Vice-Chair of TREF
   2.3 SACA - Appointment of an expert member to SACA
CERN/3280/RA English French
3. Confirmation of access status of the documents of the session
4. Other Business
Friday 16 December 2016


9.00: Open Session (CERN (503/1-001))

1. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the 181st Open Session on 17 June 2016
CERN/3260 English French
2. Report on the decisions taken at Restricted and Closed Sessions (President of Council)
3. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Ms C. Jamieson)
4. Report by the Chair of the Scientific Policy Committee (Prof. T. Nakada)
Slides Summary
5. Report by the Chair of ECFA (Prof. H. Abramowicz)
6. Report on the Work Plan on the Implementation of the MoU between the European Commission and CERN for the period 2017-2018
CERN/3291 English French
   6.1 CERN participation in H2020 (Dr S. Stavrev - Oral)
7. ApPEC Roadmap 2017-2022 (Prof. F. Linde)
8. Confirmation of the access status of the documents of the session
9. Other Business
--- Coffee ---
10. Talks by young scientists - Main Auditorium
   10.1 Accelerator performance and plans (Giovanni Iadarola, BE department)
   10.2 ALICE (Constantin Loizides, LBNL)
   10.3 ATLAS+LHCf (Federico Meloni, Bern)
   10.4 CMS+Totem (Zeynep Demiragli, MIT)
   10.5 LHCb + MoEDAL (Yiming Li, LAL Orsay)