18–22 Sept 2017
Yerevan, Armenia
Etc/GMT+4 timezone

Low-Energy Nuclear Interaction Chamber for Experiments in Nuclear Astrophysics

19 Sept 2017, 14:10
Yerevan, Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia

Department of Physics, Alex Manoogian str. 1, Yerevan, Armenia


Dr Amur Margaryan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)


A Low-EneRgy Nuclear Interaction Chamber, LERNIC, has been developed to be used as an active target system for nuclear astrophysics experiments. LERNIC is a position and time sensitive detector system based on the low-pressure MWPC technique. While the astrophysically relevant nuclear reaction processes at stellar burning temperatures are dominated by radiative captures, in this experimental scheme we will measure the time-reversed processes. Due to the transformation of phase space, the photodisintegration cross-sections are up to two orders of magnitude higher. The main advantage of this new target-detector system is a capability to operate at high intensity photon beams, high sensitivity to the low-energy, highly ionizing particles and insensitivity to the γ-rays and minimum ionizing particles, thus allowing us to detect only the products of the nuclear reaction of interest. The main disadvantage of this detector is a density several orders of magnitude lower than conventional gas targets. It can be compensated by using multi-module detector system and highly directed, intense, laser Compton backscattered γ-ray beam. The test results of the prototype detector as well as the possibility of measurement of the cross section of γ + 16O → 12C + α reaction are discussed.

Type of contribution Talk

Primary authors

Dr Amur Margaryan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory) Mr Vachik Khachatryan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)


Mr Robert Ajvazyan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory) Dr Dimiter Balabanski (ELI-NP, Horia-Hulubay National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Magurele, Romania ) Dr John Annand (School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow) Dr Nersik Grigoryan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory) Dr Vanik Kakoyan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory) Mr Patrick Khachatryan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory) Dr Rachel Montgomery (School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow) Dr Henrik Vardanyan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory) Dr Simon Zhamkochyan (Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)

Presentation materials