7–13 May 2017
Sintra, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Decays of light mesons triggered by chiral chemical potential

8 May 2017, 17:30
Sintra, Portugal

Sintra, Portugal

Hotel Sintra Jardim 30º47'40'' N - 9º 22' 55'' W Quinta Visconde de Tojal Largo Sousa Brandão, nº 1, São Pedro de Sintra 2710-506 Sintra Portugal


Prof. Aleksandr Andrianov (Saint-Petersburg State University)


Light meson ($\pi,\sigma, a_0$) properties in the environment with chiral im-
balance will be analyzed with the help of meson effective lagrangian
associated with QCD. New spatial parity violating decays of scalar
meson arise as a result of mixing of $\pi$ and $a_0$ mesons. The pion electro-
magnetic formfactor obtains an unusual parity-odd contribution. Pion
effective masses vanish in flight. The possible determination of chiral
chemical potential in heavy ion collisions based on above mentioned
phenomena will be outlined.

Primary author

Prof. Aleksandr Andrianov (Saint-Petersburg State University)


Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona (ES)) Prof. Vladimir Andrianov (Saint-Petersburg State University)

Presentation materials

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