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Excited QCD 2017

from Sunday 7 May 2017 (07:00) to Saturday 13 May 2017 (20:00)
Sintra, Portugal

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 May 2017
8 May 2017
9 May 2017
10 May 2017
11 May 2017
12 May 2017
13 May 2017
Arrival day (until 20:00) ()
Opening of eQCD 17 talks (until 08:30) ()
Monday Morning (20min talks + 10min discussions) - Robert Kaminski (until 12:00) ()
08:30 Heavy and heavy-light mesons and the Lorentz structure of the quark-antiquark kernel - Prof. Alfred Stadler (University of Évora, and CFTP, University of Lisbon)   ()
09:00 Rho meson form factors in the point form - Dr Elmar P. Biernat (Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas (CFTP), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal)   ()
09:30 Quark, gluon and meson correlators of unquenched QCD - Mario Mitter   ()
10:00 Spin 1 low lying meson spectra and the subtle link to the spin 0 mesons. - Jorge Morais (FCTUC / CFisUC)   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 From the Gribov ambiguity to confining effective models - Leticia Palhares (UERJ)   ()
11:30 Holographic models for heavy vector mesons - Nelson Braga (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)   ()
Tuesday Morning (20min talks + 10min discussions) - Marina Marinkovic (CERN) (until 12:00) ()
08:30 Monte Carlo calculations using the holomorphic gradient flow - Andrei Alexandru (The George Washington University)   ()
09:00 A new theoretical method for lattice QCD calculations at finite density beyond the sign problem - Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University)   ()
09:30 Lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator at finite temperature: non-zero Matsubara frequencies and spectral densities - Paulo Silva (Center for Physics, University of Coimbra)   ()
10:00 Center Vortices and Topological Charge - Roman Höllwieser   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 Chern-Simons 5-form and Holographic Baryons - Shigeki Sugimoto (Kyoto University)   ()
11:30 The Quark propagator in QCD and QCD-like theories - Romain Contant (University of Graz)   ()
Wednesday Morning (20min talks + 10min discussions) -Prof. Emílio Ribeiro (CeFEMA, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal) (until 12:00) ()
08:30 Formation and deformation of the $\psi(3770)$ - Susana Coito   ()
09:00 General unquenching properties of two-meson scattering and production amplitudes - Dr Eef van Beveren (Coimbra University)   ()
09:30 Unquenching and unitarising mesons in quark models and on the lattice - Dr George Rupp (CeFEMA, IST, Lisbon)   ()
10:00 Predictions for $\eta_c \to \eta \pi^+ \pi^-$ producing $f_0(500)$, $f_0(980)$ and $a_0(980)$ - Mr Vinicius Rodrigues Debastiani (IFIC, University of Valencia)   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 Resent results from the KLOE-2 experiment - Prof. Pawel Moskal (Jagiellonian University)   ()
11:30 Thermodynamically consistent formulation of quasiparticle viscous hydrodynamics - Dr Radoslaw Ryblewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)   ()
Thursday Morning (20min talks + 10min discussions) - Jelena Jovicevic (TRIUMF (CA)) (until 12:00) ()
08:30 Lambda_b and Xi_b decays into Lambda_c* and Xi_c* states and dynamics of Lambda_c* and Xi_c* - Prof. Eulogio Oset (University of Valencia)   ()
09:00 Polarized Drell-Yan measurements at COMPASS - Riccardo Longo (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
09:30 Low Energy Antikaon-nucleon/nuclei interaction studies by AMADEUS - Kristian Piscicchia   ()
10:00 ATLAS results on exotics searches - Nectarios Benekos (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 Photoproduction of Light Exotic and Strange Mesons - Prof. Paul Eugenio (Florida State University)   ()
11:30 Combined Gravitational and Electromagnetic observations of Gamma-ray Bursts - Merlin Reynaard Kole (Universite de Geneve (CH))   ()
Friday Morning (20min talks + 10min discussions) - Ami Rostomyan (DESY) (until 12:00) ()
08:30 Overview on QCD studies at BESIII - Xiaorong Zhou (USTC)   ()
09:00 Recent QCD-related results from Kaon physics at CERN (NA48 and NA62) - Mr Sergey Shkarovskiy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   ()
09:30 Interference effect in vacuum polarization from BABAR, KLOE,CMD2 and SND data. - Vladimir Sauli (Nuclear Institute Rez near Prague)   ()
10:00 A novel multiquark approach to hadron resonances - Prof. Sergey Afonin   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 Mixture of quark and gluon fluids described in terms of anisotropic hydrodynamics - Ewa Maksymiuk (Jan Kochanowski University)   ()
11:30 Dilepton production in Relativistic heavy ion collisions - Gyorgy Wolf (Wigner FK)   ()
Departure day (until 20:00) ()
Conference Dinner (Please buy the tickets at the hotel reception) (until 21:45) ()
Monday Afternoon (20min talks + 10min discussions) - Leticia Palhares (UERJ) (until 20:00) ()
17:00 The Topological Susceptibility via the Gribov horizon? - Caroline Felix   ()
17:30 Decays of light mesons triggered by chiral chemical potential - Prof. Aleksandr Andrianov (Saint-Petersburg State University)   ()
18:00 --- Break ---
18:30 Hadron properties from nPI: towards first principles results - Dr Richard Williams (University of Giessen)   ()
19:00 The structure of light baryons and tetraquarks - Dr Gernot Eichmann (IST Lisboa)   ()
19:30 The analytic properties of the Landau gauge quark propagator Dyson-Schwinger equation at rainbow level - Andreas Windisch (Washington University in St Louis)   ()
Conference Dinner (Please buy the tickets at the hotel reception) (until 21:45) ()
Tuesday Afternoon (20min talks + 10min discussions) - Andrei Alexandru (The George Washington University) (until 20:00) ()
17:00 Decays of excited vector mesons - Milena Piotrowska (Jan Kochanowski University)   ()
17:30 Heavy glueballs - Prof. Francesco Giacosa (Kielce University)   ()
18:00 --- Break ---
18:30 Excited Scalar and Pseudoscalar Mesons in the Extended Linear Sigma Model - Denis Parganlija (TU Wien)   ()
19:00 Analytic approach to pion-kaon scattering and strange resonances - Arkaitz Rodas Bilbao (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)   ()
19:30 Photoproduction of exotic states - Andrea Celentano (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
Conference Dinner (Please buy the tickets at the hotel reception) (until 21:45) ()
Wednesday Afternoon (20min talks + 10min discussions) - Susana Coito (until 20:00) ()
17:00 Excited Baryons and Quark-Hadron Duality - Prof. Enrique Ruiz Arriola (Universidad de Granada)   ()
17:30 Features of the QCD phase diagram from small, noisy, fluctuating systems - Eduardo Fraga (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)   ()
18:00 --- Break ---
18:30 Transverse momentum fluctuations and correlations - Piotr Bozek (AGH University of Science and Technology)   ()
19:00 Scale invariant resummed perturbation at finite temperature - Jean-Loic Kneur (Univ Montpellier)   ()
19:30 Phase diagram and isentropic curves from the vector meson extended Polyakov quark meson model - Peter Kovacs (Wigner RCP)   ()
Conference Social Dinner at Taverna dos Trovadores (until 22:30) ()
Thursday Afternoon (20min talks + 10min discussions) -Prof. Eulogio Oset (University of Valencia) (until 20:00) ()
17:00 Fragmentation and Monte Carloe generators at Belle II - Ami Rostomyan (DESY)   ()
17:30 Azimuthal correlations and mixed higher order flow harmonics from CMS at the LHC - Milan Stojanovic (University of Belgrade (RS))   ()
18:00 --- Break ---
18:30 Relativistic perfect fluid hydrodynamics of particles with spin 1/2 - Wojciech Florkowski (Institute of nuclear Physics, Krakow)   ()
19:00 One-loop exclusive diffractive impact factors in the CGC framework - Renaud Boussarie (IFJ Krakow)   ()
19:30 Thermal entropic destruction and entanglement entropy of the quark-antiquark pair from dynmical holographic QCD - Dr Subhash Mahapatra (KU Leuven)   ()
Conference Dinner (Please buy the tickets at the hotel reception) (until 21:45) ()
Friday Afternoon (20min talks + 10min discussions) (until 20:00) ()
17:00 Recent results from NA61/SHINE - Maja Katarzyna Mackowiak-Pawlowska (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   ()
17:30 Jets and charged hadrons in heavy ion collisions with the ATLAS detector - Helena Santos (LIP - Lisbon)   ()
18:00 --- Break ---
18:30 QCD phase diagram and magnetic fields - Márcio Ferreira (CFisUC)   ()
19:00 Hollowness in pp at the LHC - Wojciech Broniowski (IFJ PAN)   ()
Closing of eQCD 17 talks (until 20:10) ()
Conference Dinner (Please buy the tickets at the hotel reception) (until 21:45) ()