Thursday Morning (20min talks + 10min discussions)
- Jelena Jovicevic (TRIUMF (CA))
I shall report on two unitary coupled channels works where the Λc(2595) (1/2- ) and Λc(2625) (3/2-) states are generated on one side and the Xi_c^0 (2790), Xi_c^0 (2815) are generated in another case. After that I shall show the formalism by means of which these resonances are produced in the decays of Lambda_b and Xi_b, with results and comparison with experiment.
COMPASS is a fixed-target experiment that was put in operation in 2002 at CERN (SPS, M2 beamline). An important part of its physics programme is the exploration of the transverse spin structure of the nucleon via measurements of spin (in)dependent azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS and, recently, also in Drell-Yan processes. Drell-Yan measurements with a $\pi^-$ beam interacting with...
The significant increase of the centre-of-mass energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) from 8 to 13 TeV has allowed the LHC experiments to explore previously inaccessible kinematic regimes in their search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model (BSM).
Many BSM theories predict new phenomena accessible by the LHC. Searches for new physics models are performed using the ATLAS experiment at the...
Studies of meson spectra via strong decays provide insight regarding QCD at the
confinement scale. These studies have led to phenomenological models for QCD
such as the constituent quark model. However, QCD allows for a much richer
spectrum of meson states which include extra states such as hybrids, exotics,
multi-quarks, and glueballs. Within the past two decades a number of
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the brightest events in the universe since the big bang. Detailed studies of the electromagnetic emission from these transient events have show that the short GBRs are likely associated with the merger of two compact objects such as neutron stars. With the start of gravitational wave detection a new window is opened to study these events and their progenitors. The...