Anatolij Barzakh
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
To predict isotope yields in the future ISOL installations it is of crucial importance to understand properly the mechanism of isotope production in thick target. The present work seems to be a step toward this understanding.
Experimental yields of the mass separated Cs isotopes produced by 1 GeV proton beam in thick U targets (with the thicknesses 6.5, 91 and 146 g/cm2) have been analyzed in the framework of diffusion-effusion model. The applicability of the model has been shown by the analysis of the Fr isotopes yields. Comparison of the neutron rich and neutron deficient Cs isotopes production efficiencies allows to divide contributions from the direct reaction (p+238U) and secondary reaction ((secondary n)+238U) in the neutron rich Cs isotopes production. For 146Cs, for example, the secondary neutron contribution is greater than the direct reaction contribution from 10 to 40 times depending on the thickness and geometry of a target material. Simple calculation of the “neutron contribution” with the known secondary neutron multiplicity and the isotope production cross-sections in the reaction (n14MeV+238U) describes these data fairly well.
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Anatolij Barzakh
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Dmitry Fedorov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Fedor Moroz
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Gerard Lhersonneau
Konstantin Mezilev
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Luigi Tecchio
(INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)
Marina Tonezzer
(INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)
Oleg Alyakrinskiy
(INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)
Pavel Molkanov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Stanislav Orlov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Viktor Ivanov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Vladimir Panteleev
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Yury Volkov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)