6–11 Jun 2010
Village de Vacances de Lamoura
Europe/Zurich timezone

A plan to construct a rare isotope accelerator facility in Korea

10 Jun 2010, 10:30
Conference Hall

Conference Hall


Prof. Seung-Woo Hong (Sungkyunkwan University)


The Korean government announced in January 2009 a preliminary plan to construct a heavy ion accelerator facility for producing radioactive ion beams in the framework of a mega project called the International Science & Business Belt. Since then, a planning work for the construction of a heavy ion accelerator is underway supported by the government. The construction of this facility will be a cornerstone for basic science research in Korea. This facility which is tentatively referred to as KoRIA (Korea Rare Isotope Accelerator) is to be used for multipurpose research, including nuclear science, atomic, material & energy sciences, and bio-medical sciences. To produce the radioactive ion beams, both ISOL and In-flight fragmentation methods are being considered. Post-acceleration of the radioactive ion beams may be done up to unprecedentedly high energies. The conceptual design study is expected to start soon, and the present status of the planning will be presented.
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Prof. Seung-Woo Hong (Sungkyunkwan University)

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