6–11 Jun 2010
Village de Vacances de Lamoura
Europe/Zurich timezone

Changes in the mean-square charge radii of polonium at CERN-ISOLDE

Not scheduled
Village de Vacances de Lamoura

Village de Vacances de Lamoura

39310 Lamoura France
Board: 29
poster Shell structure far from stability


Dr Thomas Elias Cocolios (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)


The region of the nuclear chart around the neutron-deficient lead isotopes is famous for the coexistence of different shapes at low energy. The lead isotopes (Z=82), however, remain spherical in their ground state. With two protons outside the lead closed core, the polonium isotopes (Z=84) also exhibit shape coexistence for the most neutron-deficient isotopes with intruding deformed bands. We investigated the influence of those intruding configurations on the ground state of the polonium isotopes by means of in-source resonant ionization laser spectroscopy. Polonium isotopes and long-lived isomers from 191Po up to 218Po have been studied over two campaigns at the CERN-ISOLDE facility using the RILIS laser ion source. The isotope shift between all the isotopes have been extracted. Large-scale atomic calculations using the GRASP code and the RATIP package have been used to determine the electronic parameters necessary to deduce changes in the mean-square radii. The comparison between two transitions for the isotopes 200,202,204,206-210Po is used to assert the reliability of those calculations. A very large departure in the changes in <r^2> from sphericity is observed for A<200 together with a reversing of the odd-even staggering below A=196. The magnitude of the departure is much stronger than in the Hg (Z=80) and Pt (A=78) isotones, showing the importance of the specific shells involved beyond Z=82. The analysis of the hyperfine structure of the odd-A isotopes has been performed and electromagnetic moments have been extracted. The magnetic dipole moments are consistent with a large mixing in the configuration of the ground state of the most neutron-deficient isotopes.
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Mr Maxim D Seliverstov (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Dr Thomas Elias Cocolios (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Mr Wim Dexters (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)


Dr Anatoli Barzakh (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) Prof. Andrei N Andreyev (University of Western Scotland) Dr Beyhan Bastin (GANIL) Dr Bruce A Marsh (CERN) Dr Dima Fedorov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) Dr Ernesto Mane (TRIUMF) Prof. Gerard Huber (Universitaet Mainz) Dr Iain G Darby (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Dr Iullian Stefan (IPNO) Dr Jarno Van de Walle (KVI) Mr Jeroen Buscher (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Dr Kieran Flanagan (University of Manchester) Ms Marijke Keupers (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Ms Marika A Sjoedin (CERN) Prof. Mark Huyse (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Dr Martin Venhart (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Dr Pavel Molkanov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) Prof. Piet Van Duppen (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica) Prof. Robert D Page (University of Liverpool) Dr Serge Franchoo (IPNO) Dr Sergey Zemlyanoy (JINR) Prof. Stano Antalic (Comenius University) Dr Ulli Koester (ILL) Dr Valentin N Fedosseev (CERN) Dr Yuri Kudrtyavtsev (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)

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