Richard Casten
(Yale University)
11/06/2010, 10:50
Shell structure far from stability
The measurement of nuclear masses takes on enhanced importance in exotic nuclei far from stability where spectroscopic data will often be sparse. Masses and binding energies are integral quantities reflecting all nucleonic interactions. However, various differences and double differences of binding energies can isolate particular physics or specific interactions. There has been enormous...
Lorenz Willmann
(University of Groningen/ NL)
11/06/2010, 11:20
Fundamental interactions
Radium isotopes are of interest because they have advantageous properties searching for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. At KVI we are developing experiments to measure Atomic Parity Violation (APV) and Time Reversal Violation (TRV) using Ra ions and atoms, respectively. The APV measurements aim to improve on the accuracy of weak charge measurements. The sensitivity...
Cocolios Thomas Elias
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)
11/06/2010, 11:40
Shell structure far from stability
With a single proton outside the Z=28 shell closure and spanning the nuclear chart across several magic or quasi-magic neutron shells (N=20,28,40,50), the copper isotopes are ideal to study the evolution of magicity. Of particular interest is the isotope 57Cu with a single proton outside the controversial doubly-magic, N=Z=28, nucleus 56Ni. The earlier measurement of the magnetic moment of...