(Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds, CEA/DSM - CNRS/IN2P3, Caen, France)
10/06/2010, 14:30
Fusion reactions and synthesis of heavy and superheavy nuclei
Fusion reactions provide an avenue for extending the periodic table creating nuclei, powering the stars and in the near future, solution of the energy problem. The fusion of complex (composite) nuclei is governed by a delicate balance between the attractive nuclear and repulsive Coulomb interactions. Detailed experiments made in the last three decades have shown that the fusion process cannot...
(University of Jyväskylä)
10/06/2010, 15:00
Fusion reactions and synthesis of heavy and superheavy nuclei
The production and spectroscopic study of the heaviest elements has always been a central theme of nuclear physics. In recent years, a wealth of new data has been produced, both in terms of new elements (up to Z=118 [1]) and in detailed spectroscopic studies of nuclei with masses above 240 [2]. Such studies provide data concerning nuclear parameters such as masses, decay modes, half-lives,...
Ismael Martel Bravo
(University of Huelva, Spain)
10/06/2010, 15:30
Fusion reactions and synthesis of heavy and superheavy nuclei
During the last years there have been an increasing interest in understanding the process of sub-barrier fusion
induced by halo nuclei. The fusion probability is largely affected by two main features, the extended
density distribution and the weak binding energy of these exotic systems. In addition to this, one and two neutron
transfer can also play an important role in the dynamics of...
Anatoli Afanasjev
(Mississippi State University, USA)
10/06/2010, 15:50
Fusion reactions and synthesis of heavy and superheavy nuclei
The questions of the existence limits and the properties of shell-stabilized superheavy nuclei have been a driving force behind experimental and theoretical efforts to investigate such nuclei. Unfortunately, theoretical predictions for superheavy nuclei differ considerably. In such a situation, heavy nuclei of actinide region play a role of testing ground for many theoretical approaches....
Michał Ciemała
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN Krakow)
10/06/2010, 16:10
Fusion reactions and synthesis of heavy and superheavy nuclei
oral with financial aid
The study of the properties of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) at high temperature and angular momentum is one of the central topics in nuclear structure as it provides insight into the behavior of nuclei under extreme conditions. The wealth of experimental data on this subject covers in most cases an interval of temperatures up to 2.5 MeV and is mainly based on the study of the GDR...