Dolore Cortina Gil
08/06/2010, 14:30
At and beyond the dripline
Modern high-intensity accelerators provide access to new regions of the nuclear chart. This allows one to study the properties of extremely weakly bound or even unbound nuclei which spontaneously emit protons or neutrons. These nuclei have a huge imbalance in the proton/neutron ratio, adding a new degree of freedom - the isospin - and opening a large field of new experimental...
Karsten Riisager
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University)
08/06/2010, 15:00
At and beyond the dripline
The beta-delayed deuteron decay of the halo nucleus 6He is thought of as proceeding directly to continuum states, and it appears that the corresponding decay of 11Li behaves in the same manner [1]. The present contribution discusses evidence that beta decays directly into continuum states may happen more generally. Experimental indications come from extended R-matrix fits to beta-delayed alpha...
L. Grassi
(INFN sez CT- Università degli Studi di Catania)
08/06/2010, 15:20
At and beyond the dripline
oral with financial aid
Nowadays our understanding of atomic nuclei is strongly oriented to the study of exotic nuclei. The availability of energetic beams of short-lived nuclei, referred to as radioactive ion beams (RIBs), has opened the way to the study of the structure and dynamics of new nuclear species, and to investigate nuclear matter under extreme conditions.
In Catania, at Laboratory Nazionali del Sud is...