The observed suppression of single inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions at LHC has a very weak $p_T$ dependence over a large range of $p_T$=50-1000 GeV and is almost independent of the colliding energy, though the initial energy density of the formed QGP has increased significantly from $\sqrt{s}$=2.76 to 5.02 TeV. The single inclusive hadron suppression, however, has strong $p_{T}$ dependence but is independent of the colliding energy. We use the Linear Boltzmann Transport model for jet propagation combined with event-by-event 3+1D hydro background to understand these observed phenomena on jet quenching. We examine effects of the initial jet (parton) spectra , energy, temperature and parton flavor dependence of jet (parton) energy loss on the suppression of single inclusive jet (hadron) suppression. We also illustrate the influence of medium response (recoil) on the final jet energy loss and spectra suppression.