- Duration of the talks:
- Overview talks (TH): 25' corresponds to 20' + 5' (questions)
- Overview talks (EXP): 25' corresponds to 22' + 3' (1 urgent question, details will be developed in the parallel sessions)
- Plenary talks: 20' corresponds to 18' + 2' (1 urgent question)
- Parallel talks: 20' corresponds to 17' + 3' (questions)
- Flash talks: 5' (no questions)
- Speakers should upload their talk in PDF format (16:9 for overview/plenary speakers, 4:3 for parallel speakers) at least 3 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME of their talk(*) by logging into the INDICO agenda (https://indico.cern.ch/event/634426/timetable/#20181001.detailed), clicking on their talk entry in the agenda, and then clicking on "Presentation details"-->"Add materials to the contribution".
(*) Use of own computers will not be accepted. Only the official conference computers will be used for the projection. Therefore, the request to have the talk posted in INDICO with 3 hours advance at least.