30 September 2018 to 5 October 2018
Aix-Les-Bains, Savoie, France
Europe/Zurich timezone

Student Lectures Day

All students and young postdocs are encouraged to participate in the Student Lectures that will take place at CERN on Sunday Sept. 30th. In particular, if you receive financial support you have to attend the lectures.

Lodging at CERN for two nights (Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th Sept) will be covered by HP'18 funds. On Monday early morning, all participants will be brought by bus to Aix-Les-Bains (the bus will be also covered by the organizers).

The preliminary programme includes the following lectures and speakers:

  • Jet quenching and energy loss: Sevil Salur [Rutgers Univ.]
  • Heavy-flavour experimental: Barbara Trzeciak [Univ. Utrecht]
  • Heavy-flavour theory: Pol B. Gossiaux [Subatech]
  • Nuclear PDFs: Aleksander Kusina [SMU, Texas]
  • Low-x QCD: Jamal Jalilian-Marian [City University New York]
  • Jet physics: C.A. Salgado [U. Santiago]
  • Electromagnetic and electroweak probes: Sasha Milov [Weizmann Inst.]



CERN Hostel Information

Check-in is in Building 39 next to the large ATLAS/CMS Main Building.