6–10 Nov 2017
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Welcome to NICA days 2017

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6 Nov 2017, 12:20
Conference room... (CZiITT)

Conference room...


Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa
Talk NICA acceleration and experimental complex Session 2; 6-nov 2017;


Prof. Stanislaw Mrowczynski (National Centre of Nuclear Research)


In the first part of my lecture I am going to briefly present an activity of National Centre of Nuclear Research in the field of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions, and in the second one a specific problem to be studied at NICA will be discussed. Specifically I am going to show how the isothermal compressibility of strongly interacting matter produced in nuclear collisions can be measured by means of multiplicity fluctuations of particles produced in the collisions.

Primary author

Prof. Stanislaw Mrowczynski (National Centre of Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials